Kurt Vonnegut was born in Indianapolis in 1922. He studied at the universities of Chicago and Tennessee and later began to write short stories for magazines. His first novel, Player Piano, was published in 1951 and was followed by The Sirens of Titan (1959), Mother Night (1961), Cat's Cradle (1963), God Bless You Mr Rosewater (1964), Welcome to the Monkey House (1968); a collection of short stories, Slaughterhouse Five (1969), Breakfast of Champions (1973), Slapstick, or Lonesome No More (1976), Jailbird (1979), Deadeye Dick (1982), Galapagos (1985), Bluebeard (1988), Hocus Pocus (1990) and Timequake (1997). He is also the author of a number of collections of short stories and essays. Kurt Vonnegut died in 2007.
Cat's Cradle 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
摘自《新商报》 作者:玄 木 几周前,美国后现代文学大师库尔特•冯内古特不慎从家中楼梯上摔了下来,脑部受伤,留下严重的后遗症,4月11日终告不治,在曼哈顿离世,享年84岁。这位以“黑色幽默”笔法而赢得世界广泛赞誉的小说家一生都在用词语画漫画。他的《五号屠场》、...
评分另一个版本是山西人民出版社 陆凡 译,我看的是这个版本,另外英文原版我也有,谁要? 我的Email catch22@126.com
评分《猫的摇篮》 有新意思和幽默 一个个短章节组成,形式不是什么大创新,老实说。 不过他用一种奇怪语言定义,描绘和讽刺了世界:) 从这个角度看,发明自己的体系定义和阐述世界,还不错。 有一次发明家打赌我说不出任何称得上绝对整理的东西。于是我对他说,“上帝是爱” 他...
评分God has so many names.In this particular book,he is Bekonon.In the first chapter,he wrote ,all religions are beautiful shameless lies.Then he talked about science and indifferent scientist,he talked about human stupidity and wrote this at the end of his bo...
评分另一个版本是山西人民出版社 陆凡 译,我看的是这个版本,另外英文原版我也有,谁要? 我的Email catch22@126.com
图书标签: 美国文学 科幻 KurtVonnegut 美国 Kurt-Vonnegut 黑色幽默 小说 英语
All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies'. Dr Felix Hoenikker, one of the founding fathers of the atomic bomb, has left a deadly legacy to the world. For he is the inventor of Ice-nine, a lethal chemical capable of freezing the entire planet. The search for its whereabouts leads to Hoenikker's three eccentric children, to a crazed dictator in the Caribbean, to madness. Will Felix Hoenikker's death wish come true? Will his last, fatal gift to humankind bring about the end that, for all of us, is nigh? Told with deadpan humour and bitter irony, Kurt Vonnegut's cult tale of global apocalypse preys on our deepest fears of witnessing the end and, worse still, surviving it...
Cat’s Cradle有趣的dystopian小说 科学宗教 殖民主义 性别问题等等 把各种严肃的议题和隐喻写得无比辛辣尖刻 而且非常幽默诙谐 是可怜可悲又可笑的幽默 夹杂着心酸和悲悯 像vonnegut自己说的 绝望发出的笑 “A fish pitched up, By the angry sea, I grasped on land, And I became me.” “Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything.”
评分冯怼怼这部作品写于1963年,跟1959年的Sirens of Titan比起来少了些科幻意味,不变的是那股辛辣讽刺的愤世嫉俗的劲头。Hoenikker及其古怪的三子女明显是以爱因斯坦一家为原型,更别提冯怼怼还编造出了个ice-nine让爱因斯坦变为世界毁灭者,老科学家若能活着看到这书怕不是得气死。。。没买到sf masterworks的版本还是挺遗憾的,那个版本比这个版本的封面要好看的多。
Cat's Cradle 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书