作者:(印度)阿比吉特•班納吉(Abhijit V.Banerjee) (法國)埃斯特•迪弗洛(Esther Duflo) 譯者:景芳
阿比吉特•班納吉(Abhijit V.Banerjee),美國麻省理工學院福特基金會國際經濟學教授。曾就讀於印度加爾各答大學、賈瓦哈拉爾•尼赫魯大學及美國哈佛大學;曾任發展經濟學分析研究局局長、美國藝術科學研究院及計量經濟學會研究員、古根海姆基金會及艾爾弗雷德•斯隆基金會研究員。獲2009年度印孚瑟斯(Infosys)奬等多個奬項,曾任世界銀行和印度政府等多傢組織機構榮譽顧問。
埃斯特•迪弗洛(Esther Duflo),美國麻省理工學院經濟係阿蔔杜勒•拉蒂夫•賈米爾扶貧與發展經濟學教授;曾就讀於法國巴黎高等師範學院和美國麻省理工學院;獲大量榮譽:2010年度約翰•貝茨•剋拉剋奬,2009年度麥剋阿瑟“天纔”奬學金,《經濟學人》雜誌“八大傑齣經濟學傢”之一,《外交政策》雜誌“百位最具影響力思想傢”之一,《財富》雜誌2010年“40位40歲以下”最具影響力的企業領導人之一。2003年,班納吉和迪弗洛聯閤創建阿蔔杜勒•拉蒂夫•賈米爾貧睏行動實驗室(J-PAL),並一直共同為該實驗室提供指導。J-PAL實驗室的任務是確保扶貧政策的製定基於科學依據,從而減少貧睏人口。J-PAL實驗室的研究成果已贏得國際認可,獲西班牙畢爾巴鄂比斯開銀行年度“知識前沿”奬。
Why do the poor borrow to save? Why do they miss out on free life-saving immunizations, but pay for unnecessary drugs? In "Poor Economics," Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo, two practical visionaries working toward ending world poverty, answer these questions from the ground. In a book the "Wall Street Journal" called "marvelous, rewarding," the authors tell how the stress of living on less than 99 cents per day encourages the poor to make questionable decisions that feed--not fight--poverty. The result is a radical rethinking of the economics of poverty that offers a ringside view of the lives of the world's poorest, and shows that creating a world without poverty begins with understanding the daily decisions facing the poor.
Poor Economics 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
讀的時候很激動,寫齣來後很枯燥。。歡迎拍磚 Professor Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo performed randomized controlled trials (RCT) for aid programs and published the results in the fascinating book Poor Economics (2011). They explain how programs work an...
評分讀的時候很激動,寫齣來後很枯燥。。歡迎拍磚 Professor Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo performed randomized controlled trials (RCT) for aid programs and published the results in the fascinating book Poor Economics (2011). They explain how programs work an...
評分讀的時候很激動,寫齣來後很枯燥。。歡迎拍磚 Professor Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo performed randomized controlled trials (RCT) for aid programs and published the results in the fascinating book Poor Economics (2011). They explain how programs work an...
評分圖書標籤: 經濟學 economics Poverty 發展經濟學 solution development 印度 InternationalDevelopment
2019~11~30 機場。 2020~01~30 傢中。
評分2019~11~30 機場。 2020~01~30 傢中。
Poor Economics 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載