Daily life is connected life, its rhythms driven by endless email pings and responses, the chimes and beeps of continually arriving text messages, tweets and retweets, Facebook updates, pictures and videos to post and discuss. Our perpetual connectedness gives us endless opportunities to be part of the give-and-take of networking. Some worry that this new environment makes us isolated and lonely. But in Networked, Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman show how the large, loosely knit social circles of networked individuals expand opportunities for learning, problem solving, decision making, and personal interaction. The new social operating system of "networked individualism" liberates us from the restrictions of tightly knit groups; it also requires us to develop networking skills and strategies, work on maintaining ties, and balance multiple overlapping networks. Rainie and Wellman outline the "triple revolution" that has brought on this transformation: the rise of social networking, the capacity of the Internet to empower individuals, and the always-on connectivity of mobile devices. Drawing on extensive evidence, they examine how the move to networked individualism has expanded personal relationships beyond households and neighborhoods; transformed work into less hierarchical, more team-driven enterprises; encouraged individuals to create and share content; and changed the way people obtain information. Rainie and Wellman guide us through the challenges and opportunities of living in the evolving world of networked individuals.
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評分國內譯作的語言風格太影響閱讀瞭,影響程度可以說已經到瞭會影響理解作者原意的地步。這本書有一部分居然是由本科生完成的(沒有歧視本科生的意思),但我覺得老師們應該在處理翻譯任務的時候更認真一點,不要把自己的事情交代給學生。 書評:與一些數據量大的專業書相比,這本...
評分大約20年前,尼葛洛龐帝那本《數字化生存》(Being Digital)在中國掀起瞭一陣啓濛式的熱潮。盡管那隻是本六周時間寫就的個人心得式著作,但仍引發瞭無數中國人對數字時代的想象與實踐。20年後再讀此書,還是要為尼葛洛龐帝的敏銳點贊。他切中瞭時代前行的脈搏,所創辦的MIT媒...
評分大約20年前,尼葛洛龐帝那本《數字化生存》(Being Digital)在中國掀起瞭一陣啓濛式的熱潮。盡管那隻是本六周時間寫就的個人心得式著作,但仍引發瞭無數中國人對數字時代的想象與實踐。20年後再讀此書,還是要為尼葛洛龐帝的敏銳點贊。他切中瞭時代前行的脈搏,所創辦的MIT媒...
評分國內譯作的語言風格太影響閱讀瞭,影響程度可以說已經到瞭會影響理解作者原意的地步。這本書有一部分居然是由本科生完成的(沒有歧視本科生的意思),但我覺得老師們應該在處理翻譯任務的時候更認真一點,不要把自己的事情交代給學生。 書評:與一些數據量大的專業書相比,這本...
圖書標籤: 社會學 互聯網 傳播學 社交媒體 傳播 語言學 美國 網絡化
Triple revolution: the rise of social networking, the capacity of the Internet to empower individuals, and the always-on connectivity of mobile devices. The empirical data based on North America may underestimate some dynamics, say digital divide.
評分楊伯漵老師總說我們用的是全世界最先進的新媒體教材……作者對ICT充滿著樂觀的態度啊,但書裏提齣的那套新的networked social operating system似乎離現實還有點遠,但大緻可以理解那種景象。總體感覺就是太宏大平實,現象學描述好多,但細節層麵上少瞭些令人信服的論證或洞見。
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