张夏准 英籍韩裔学者,剑桥大学经济学教授,发展经济学专家。2003年获纲纳·缪达尔奖,2005年获华西里·列昂惕夫奖。著有国际畅销书《富国的伪善:自由贸易的迷思与资本主义秘史》和《富国陷阱:发达国家为何踢开梯子》。
23 Things They Don't Tell You about Capitalism 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
爱丁堡艺术节2010之三十一:为资本主义升级 Ha-Joon Chang & Anatole Kaletsky (爱丁堡图书节) Ha-Joon Chang & Anatole Kaletsky The Stark Choices Facing Our Economy Saturday 28 August, 12:30-1:30pm ****/5 图书节把这两位作者放在一起,显然是因为两人对资本主义、自...
评分英籍韩裔作者张夏准在其《资本主义的真相》一书中,狠狠地打了资本主义一巴掌。哦,不对,准确来说是把自由主义的资本主义的双腿给“打折”了。 为什么要打断自由主义的资本主义的双腿?简而言之,它只支持绝对自由的市场。具体来说,它认为市场需要自由,因为人们只有在做对...
图书标签: Economic 经济学 资本主义 英文原版 政治经济学 经济 国际政治 英国
In "23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism" one of today's most iconoclastic thinkers destroys the biggest myths about the world we live in. There's no such thing as a 'free' market. Globalization isn't making the world richer. We don't live in a digital world - the washing machine has changed lives more than the internet. Poor countries are more entrepreneurial than rich ones. Higher paid managers don't produce better results. This galvanizing, fact-packed book about money, equality, freedom and greed proves that the free market isn't just bad for people - it's an inefficient way of running economies too. Here Chang lays out the alternatives, and shows there's a better way.
#Christmas Gift from Melissa & Jeremy
评分不懂经济学,没读完,看个热闹。通篇批判free-market economists,为发展中国家说话。文字好,读起来相当顺。
评分Five stars
23 Things They Don't Tell You about Capitalism 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书