Joseph Brodsky (1940-96) came to the United States in 1972, an involuntary exile from the Soviet Union. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1987 and served as Poet Laureate of the United States in 1991 and 1992.
Less Than One 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书本身是非常值得看的,只打3星是因为这书实在对读者不太友好。但不知道是否是翻译的问题,读起来实在是太困难了。 大部分是文学评论,而且几乎都是评的俄国诗人,说得几个人除了陀思妥耶夫斯基和托尔斯泰,其他我都不认识,但依旧迷迷糊糊把这本书看完了。 这不仅仅谈文...
评分草就。 这是一本去年饱受好评的书。黄灿然在布罗茨基《小于一》的中译本中称,这本书陪伴了他二十多年。受这本书的洗礼,“我们就不会对那些不管是流行作家还是精英作家的文章太过在意,这可省去我们很多时间。” 如果和那些时下流行的大多数出版物相比,我想黄灿然是对的,...
评分——基于《小于一》和《悲伤与理智》两份译文展开的冒险 (一) 与纳博科夫一样,布罗茨基对于那场“伟大的革命”同样摆出了全盘否定的姿态,这丝毫不让人觉着意外;但略为意外的是,布罗茨基在使用英语的天赋上,要比这位同胞逊色许多。而这恐怕也是可以理解的,如果我们曾...
评分本书曾经在我采购的清单上,但从图书馆借阅后,感觉很不舒服,一些关键之处意思莫名其妙,缺乏连贯性,整体感觉别扭,决定放弃。 老实说,我很奇怪。作者J. Brodsky的文学造诣毋庸置疑,1987年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,他的诗歌和文集在西方有大量的读者。倘若这中译本就是他的水准...
评分草就。 这是一本去年饱受好评的书。黄灿然在布罗茨基《小于一》的中译本中称,这本书陪伴了他二十多年。受这本书的洗礼,“我们就不会对那些不管是流行作家还是精英作家的文章太过在意,这可省去我们很多时间。” 如果和那些时下流行的大多数出版物相比,我想黄灿然是对的,...
图书标签: 布罗茨基 外国文学 散文 小于一 JosephBrodsky 诗歌 流亡 俄罗斯
'Genius . . . bringing ardent intelligence to bear upon poetry, politics and autobiography' Seamus Heaney
Essayist and poet Joseph Brodsky was one of the most penetrating voices of the twentieth century. This prize-winning collection of his diverse essays includes uniquely powerful appreciations of great writers: on Dostoevsky and the development of Russian prose, on Auden and Akhmatova, Cavafy, Montale and Mandelstam. These are contrasted with his reflections on larger themes of tyranny and evil, and subtle evocations of his childhood in Leningrad. Brodsky's insightful appreciation of the intricacies of language, culture and identity connect these works, revealing his remarkable gifts as a prose writer.
'Sparkles with intellect, and combines the precision of scholarship with the passion of the poet'
The Times
Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature
评分No one spits out insights with such precision and brilliance and in such abundance as Brodsky
评分"A certain advantage of totalitarianism is that it suggests to an individual a kind of vertical hierarchy of his own, with consciousness at the top. So we oversee what's going on inside ourselves. And then we punish ourselves. When we realise that this punishment isn't commensurate with the swine inside, we resort to alcohol and drink our wits out"
Less Than One 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书