唐•坦南特 ,新聞工作者,曾任國傢安全局研究分析員。
Imagine how different your life would be if you knew when someone was lying or telling you the truth. Whether hiring a new employee, assessing the veracity of legal testimony, investing in a financial interest, knowing when your boss is being completely up-front, ascertaining whether your child is being totally honest with you, or even dating someone new, having the ability to unmask a lie can have far-reaching and even life-altering consequences. As former CIA agents, Philip Houston, Mike Floyd and Susan Carnicero are among the worlds best at recognizing deceptive behaviour. "Spy The Lie" chronicles the fascinating story of how they used a methodology Houston developed to detect deception in the counter-terrorism and criminal investigation realms, and how these techniques can be applied in our daily lives. Through thrilling anecdotes from their careers in counterintelligence, the authors provide a foolproof means of identifying deceptive behaviour, showing readers how to study nuances, both verbal and non-verbal, including: Hand(s) to the face in response to a question; Grooming gestures; Invoking religion ("I swear to God"); Repeating the question; Qualifiers ("Basically"); and much, much more.
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書看完瞭,感覺自己整體智商有所提高,對於自己以往一些判斷謊言的經驗在書裏得到瞭確認,更多屬於“又漲姿勢瞭”的範疇。這世界充斥各種各樣的謊言,雖說人艱不拆,但是前提是我已看穿你;韆萬彆想拆穿和需要拆穿的時候都不知道從哪拆穿。 書的英文原名SPY THE LIE,spy,因...
評分嚮我推薦此書的MM用曾經風靡一時的一部美劇《Lie To Me>》來作為對比,劇中蒂姆•羅斯主演的主人公萊特曼博士想必給不少人留下深刻印象,敏銳的觀察力,準確的判斷力更是讓人覺得,那簡直是神一樣的存在。《看人看到骨子裏》這本書雖然與電視劇一樣,關注的都是如何識彆謊言...
評分亦舒在小說裏經常說,人心是天底下最黑暗的地方。 人心隔肚皮,我們如何能夠穿透這層肚皮,看透那天底下最黑暗的地方?誰能藉我一雙看透人心、識破謊言的慧眼? 《看人看到骨子裏》這本書便本著“超強讀心術,讓你第一時間看透對方”的宗旨,教讀者“看藏在骨子裏的真,辨隱在...
圖書標籤: 心理學 lie Psychology 自我成長 科普 社科 社會 生活
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