President Bill Clinton gives us his views on the challenges facing the United States today and why government matters—presenting his ideas on restoring economic growth, job creation, financial responsibility, resolving the mortgage crisis, and pursuing a strategy to get us "back in the future business.” He explains how we got into the current economic crisis, and offers specific recommendations on how we can put people back to work, increase bank lending and corporate investment, double our exports, restore our manufacturing base, and create new businesses. He supports President Obama’s emphasis on green technology, saying that changing the way we produce and consume energy is the strategy most likely to spark a fast-growing economy while enhancing our national security.
Clinton also stresses that we need a strong private sector and a smart government working together to restore prosperity and progress, demonstrating that whenever we’ve given in to the temptation to blame government for all our problems, we’ve lost our ability to produce sustained economic growth and shared prosperity.
Clinton writes, “There is simply no evidence that we can succeed in the twenty-first century with an antigovernment strategy,” based on “a philosophy grounded in ‘you’re on your own’ rather than ‘we’re all in this together.’ ” He believes that conflict between government and the private sector has proved to be good politics but has produced bad policies, giving us a weak economy with not enough jobs, growing income inequality and poverty, and a decline in our competitive position. In the real world, cooperation works much better than conflict, and “Americans need victories in real life.”
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作為一名美國的前任總統,我們隻要對政治有那麼一點的認識,那麼威廉-傑斐遜-剋林頓(William Jefferson Clinton)這個名字相信大傢並不陌生。盡管他早已經卸任瞭美國總統的職務,但是他當年的風流倜儻,風雲萬韆,政績不凡仍然讓我記憶猶新。盡管他也有自己的智囊團,但是能夠有...
評分剋林頓的書《重返工作》 看這本書當然是衝著剋林頓的名字,畢竟還沒看過美國總統的書,不過實現也有點準備,知道名氣越大的人,寫的書一般也就越平庸,有瞭這點準備,心裏的失落也就小瞭很多。 雖然不太關心美國的政治和經濟,但是畢竟作為世界第一強國,作為對中國影...
評分卸任之後,寫一本關於過去的書,寫一本關於未來的書,主題都叫做:成功。 民主、共和與茶,都是編製給選民的謊話 波音、雷神和洛剋希德馬丁,都是政治傢的爪牙 雖然他穿著洋裝還有點纔華 其實就是個瓜
評分一直對時政關注不夠多,總覺得各個國傢的關係太過復雜。大國內政處理起來也是韆頭萬緒。現任總統奧巴馬從上屆競選時的意氣風發,到這屆的焦頭爛額,小布什留下的爛攤子似乎更糟瞭。奧巴馬好像一名很有責任心的庸醫,雖殫精竭慮卻效果甚微。 剋林頓給齣的方子或許並不會...
圖書標籤: 政府 雜文 經濟與金融
評分What is the smart government? How could we evaluate it?
評分What is the smart government? How could we evaluate it?
評分大政府主義的自白書。 這是真誠地為政府的功能辯護。 涉及到國傢方方麵麵的問題,很值得一看。 需要指齣的是,由於兩黨製衡,剋林頓的政府在發布政令前必須經曆對方黨派的挑剔,很難齣錯。這可能是progressivenism 和 socialism的區彆吧
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