Nathan Marz is an engineer at Twitter. He was previously Lead Engineer at BackType, a marketing intelligence company, that was acquired by Twitter in July of 2011. He is the author of two major open source projects: Storm, a distributed realtime computation system, and Cascalog, a tool for processing data on Hadoop. He is a frequent speaker and writes a blog at
Sam Ritchie is an engineer at Twitter who uses Cascalog and ElephantDB to process and analyze many terabytes of data in near real-time. He is also the lead developer on FORMA, an open-source deforestation monitoring system in use by a number of top research institutions. He is a committer on Cascalog, ElephantDB, Pallet and a number of other open source Clojure projects.
Services like social networks, web analytics, and intelligent e-commerce often need to manage data at a scale too big for a traditional database. Complexity increases with scale and demand, and handling big data is not as simple as just doubling down on your RDBMS or rolling out some trendy new technology. Fortunately, scalability and simplicity are not mutually exclusive—you just need to take a different approach. Big data systems use many machines working in parallel to store and process data, which introduces fundamental challenges unfamiliar to most developers.
Big Data teaches you to build these systems using an architecture that takes advantage of clustered hardware along with new tools designed specifically to capture and analyze web-scale data. It describes a scalable, easy to understand approach to big data systems that can be built and run by a small team. Following a realistic example, this book guides readers through the theory of big data systems, how to implement them in practice, and how to deploy and operate them once they're built.
Big Data shows you how to build the back-end for a real-time service called—our version of Google Analytics. As you read, you'll discover that many standard RDBMS practices become unwieldy with large-scale data. To handle the complexities of Big Data and distributed systems, you must drastically simplify your approach. This book introduces a general framework for thinking about big data, and then shows how to apply technologies like Hadoop, Thrift, and various NoSQL databases to build simple, robust, and efficient systems to handle it.
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1. 大名鼎鼎的 Lambda 架構作者的書; 2. 喜歡這樣條分縷析的思路 3. Human-fault tolerance is not optional 4. example 有點多餘, 信息冗雜讀較高 4. Lambda 架構 serving layer 對 normalization/denormalization 解決的的確很好 5. 如果能夠在剛接觸大數據的時候讀這本書, ...
評分1. 大名鼎鼎的 Lambda 架構作者的書; 2. 喜歡這樣條分縷析的思路 3. Human-fault tolerance is not optional 4. example 有點多餘, 信息冗雜讀較高 4. Lambda 架構 serving layer 對 normalization/denormalization 解決的的確很好 5. 如果能夠在剛接觸大數據的時候讀這本書, ...
評分1. 大名鼎鼎的 Lambda 架構作者的書; 2. 喜歡這樣條分縷析的思路 3. Human-fault tolerance is not optional 4. example 有點多餘, 信息冗雜讀較高 4. Lambda 架構 serving layer 對 normalization/denormalization 解決的的確很好 5. 如果能夠在剛接觸大數據的時候讀這本書, ...
評分本書由大數據專傢撰寫。 我知道這點,因為我從事數據銷毀相關的工作十年瞭。 現在我讀瞭這本書,我發現我的所有問題都在本書中得到解決。 事實上,所討論的每個問題都齣現在我的管道中,好像作者在我的項目中與我一起工作。另一本對我來說非常有用的功能是它是第一本我可以找到...
圖書標籤: bigdata 數據挖掘 大數據 計算機 data manning 編程 big
介紹瞭作者構思的Lambda架構,貫穿其中介紹瞭很多分布式數據係統設計需要注意的原則和理論知識。這部分原則和理論知識很不錯。 此外介紹瞭不少理論知識的實際實現,感覺這部分拿捏得不是很好。作者不想讓某個設計和某個具體的實現工具綁死,所以在有意減少實現部分筆墨。但是實現的具體細節又介紹瞭不少,書中又沒有整體貫通成一個可以運行的實現,讀起來效果不理想。個人建議閱讀實現部分時,不要花太多心思。 2015.10
評分一看就犯睏 對於非行業的外行看看講理論的章節就有很多收獲瞭
評分介紹瞭作者構思的Lambda架構,貫穿其中介紹瞭很多分布式數據係統設計需要注意的原則和理論知識。這部分原則和理論知識很不錯。 此外介紹瞭不少理論知識的實際實現,感覺這部分拿捏得不是很好。作者不想讓某個設計和某個具體的實現工具綁死,所以在有意減少實現部分筆墨。但是實現的具體細節又介紹瞭不少,書中又沒有整體貫通成一個可以運行的實現,讀起來效果不理想。個人建議閱讀實現部分時,不要花太多心思。 2015.10
評分真不怎麼樣 ,lambda 這概念早就過時瞭 實踐起來也很難。
Big Data 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載