Sam Newman is a technologist at ThoughtWorks, where he currently splits his time between encouraging and sharing Innovation globally and helping design and build their internal systems. He has worked with a variety of companies in multiple domains around the world, often with one foot in the developer world, and another in the IT operations space. If you asked him what he does, he’d say ‘I work with people to build better software systems’. He has written articles, presented at conferences, and sporadically commits to open source projects. He is currently writing a book, Building Microservices, which should be available in the Autumn of this year from O'Reilly.
Over the past 10 years, distributed systems have become more fine-grained. From the large multi-million line long monolithic applications, we are now seeing the benefits of smaller self-contained services. Heavy-weight, hard to change Service Oriented Architectures are not the answer; instead we are now seeing finer-grained systems consisting of collaborating microservices. Easier to change, deploy, and if required retire, organizations which are in the right position to take advantage of them are yielding significant benefits.
This book takes an holistic view of the things you need to be cognizant of in order to pull this off. It covers just enough understanding of technology, architecture, operations and organization to show you how to move towards finer-grained systems.
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評分非常有意思的一本書,微服務顧名思義在於微,其實全書作者也並未對微服務作齣明確定義。對於互聯網技術架構不曾接觸的同學需要閱讀下本書,對於服務的“生老病死”本書涉及瞭各個方麵。從係統界限劃分,到部署監控,麵麵俱到。 另外遊走在SOP的老鳥完全可以忽略本書,曾今...
評分本書用208頁的篇幅講述瞭設計微服務架構時所需考慮的方方麵麵,譬如服務粒度和邊界、持續集成、監控、安全等等。是一本極佳的微服務導讀書籍。 對於麵對日益增長的業務和技術挑戰、考慮進行架構梳理拆分的設計師來說,這是一本很好的快速瞭解微服務的讀物。隻需數小時讀完,就...
評分當PaaS(Platform as a service)已不是什麼新鮮名詞的時代,我們每天麵對這各種各樣的新興技術名詞,哪怕作為一名所謂的業內人士,我已然清晰地記得當2017年初的某個初晨,工位隔壁的同事興奮地對我說“Hi,Bill 聽說北京團隊開始做FaaS瞭”時自己的一臉懵逼,心裏暗想什麼是F...
評分1. 這本書全麵係統的介紹瞭實踐微服務的方方麵麵,包括構建、集成、分解、部署、測試、安全等; 2. 這本書雖然包含瞭一些實例,但是更多的是方法論,雖然有些人覺得這樣有點泛泛而談,但是我感覺現在微服務的實踐已經非常多,而這本書站在一個更高的高度上讓我們係統地認識到微...
圖書標籤: 架構 微服務 分布式 計算機 分布式係統 係統架構 軟件工程 編程
評分真心不建議通篇閱讀,全是概念,這本書的價值就是目錄。對於microservice 需要麵對的問題進行瞭分類,但完全!是完全沒有給齣任何可用的解決方案。
評分真心不建議通篇閱讀,全是概念,這本書的價值就是目錄。對於microservice 需要麵對的問題進行瞭分類,但完全!是完全沒有給齣任何可用的解決方案。
Building Microservices 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載