雷切爾·博格斯泰因畢業於瓦瑟學院(Vassar College)英文文學專業,長期為《紐約時報》、《美好傢園》《紐約郵報》等媒體撰稿。為撰寫《足下風光》一書,她花數年時間走訪瞭奧斯卡最佳服裝設計奬得主 Patrizia van Brandenstein,紐約時裝學院博物館館長Valerie Steele,以及諸多鞋業品牌的創始人。
What is it about a pair of shoes that so enchants women of all ages, demographics, political affiliations, and style tribes? Part social history, part fashion record, part pop-culture celebration, "Women from the Ankle Down" seeks to answer that question as it unfolds the story of shoes in the twentieth century. The tale begins in the rural village of Bonito, Italy, with a visionary young shoemaker named Salvatore Ferragamo, and ends in New York City, with a fictional socialite and trendsetter named Carrie Bradshaw. Along the way it stops in Hollywood, where Judy Garland first slipped on her ruby slippers; New Jersey, where Nancy Sinatra heard something special in a song about boots; and the streets of Manhattan, where a transit strike propelled women to step into new cutting-edge athletic shoes. Fashion aficionado Rachelle Bergstein shares the stories behind these historical moments, interweaving the design innovations and social changes that gave each one its lasting significance and appeal. Bergstein shows how the story of shoes is the story of women, told from the ankle down. Beginning with the well-heeled Suffragettes in the 1910s, women have fought for greater freedom and mobility, a struggle that exploded in the 1960s with the Women's Liberation Movement, and culminated in the new millennium with our devotion to personal choice. Featuring interviews with designers, historians, and cultural experts, and a cast of real life characters from Marilyn Monroe to Jane Fonda, "Women from the Ankle Down" is a lively, compelling look at the evolution of modern women and the fashion that reflects-and has shaped-their changing lives.
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Choose a pair of shoes,choose you want to be. 小的時候,我的父親做過鞋匠,就是那種手工皮鞋。他為我做過一雙,大概在我七八歲的時候。把一塊整牛皮按照鞋樣紙上的各個部分剪裁下來,打磨邊緣,黏膠上綫,套上鞋楦,最後壓製成型。可是我小時候一直都不怎麼喜歡穿皮鞋,他...
評分美國的各種搖滾文化,嘻哈潮流如何與鞋子的設計聯係在一起,鞋子就像包包配飾一樣,也是體現個人風格的一個招牌。 一些經典鞋子也幫美國好萊塢電影塑造瞭經典人物形象。很多形象在今天看來依舊不會過時。 我們實在無法想象,如果沒有電影,今天我們的鞋櫃裏會少瞭多少經典的...
評分Choose a pair of shoes,choose you want to be. 小的時候,我的父親做過鞋匠,就是那種手工皮鞋。他為我做過一雙,大概在我七八歲的時候。把一塊整牛皮按照鞋樣紙上的各個部分剪裁下來,打磨邊緣,黏膠上綫,套上鞋楦,最後壓製成型。可是我小時候一直都不怎麼喜歡穿皮鞋,他...
評分相對於西服、領帶、帽子,鞋及襪對人的形象的影響力是微弱的,但是對於人的舒適度卻是很重要的,中國有一句古話,鞋閤不閤腳,隻有腳知道,作為人體重量的主要承受著,穿鞋不是為瞭走路,但走路如果不穿鞋,就成瞭一句很有意義的俏皮話:光腳的還怕穿鞋的? 《足下風光》與其說...
圖書標籤: 女人 shoes 鞋 設計 Rachelle Bergstein
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