Wes McKinney 资深数据分析专家,对各种Python库(包括NumPy、pandas、matplotlib以及IPython等)等都有深入研究,并在大量的实践中积累了丰富的经验。撰写了大量与Python数据分析相关的经典文章,被各大技术社区争相转载,是Python和开源技术社区公认的权威人物之一。开发了用于数据分析的著名开源Python库——pandas,广获用户好评。在创建Lambda Foundry(一家致力于企业数据分析的公司)之前,他曾是AQR Capital Management的定量分析师。
Python for Data Analysis 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1.调试轮子的时候发现,pandas由于基于numpy,有多个float数据类型(float16/float32/float64),多个float类型会被pandas认为是不同类导致无法进行后续处理,用apply方法把数据全转成字符串再转回来就行。 但是如果直接用type查看类型返回的class都是float。 2020.4.26 2.调试...
评分一年前看过这本书,当时我还是一个Python小白,因为没有编程基础,连基本的语法都不会。所以最开始看这本书,就在第二章Ipython编译器这里卡了很久。在网上搜索各种信息后,安装了Anaconda3和jupyter notebook后,算是可以实现书的程序了。 然而,在第一章里就有部分语法是不...
评分图书标签: 数据分析 python Python 数据挖掘 机器学习 编程 计算机 MachineLearning
Finding great data analysts is difficult. Despite the explosive growth of data in industries ranging from manufacturing and retail to high technology, finance, and healthcare, learning and accessing data analysis tools has remained a challenge. This pragmatic guide will help train you in one of the most important tools in the field - Python. Filled with practical case studies, Python for Data Analysis demonstrates the nuts and bolts of manipulating, processing, cleaning, and crunching data with Python. It also serves as a modern introduction to scientific computing in Python for data-intensive applications. Learn about the growing field of data analysis from an expert in the community. Learn everything you need to start doing real data analysis work with Python Get the most complete instruction on the basics of the "modern scientific Python platform" Learn from an insider who builds tools for the scientific stack Get an excellent introduction for novices and a wealth of advanced methods for experienced analysts
Python for Data Analysis 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书