戴維·邁爾斯自從獲得愛荷華大學的博±學位之後,就在密歇根的霍普學院工作,成為那裏的John Dirk Werkman心理學教授,並且開設瞭多門社會心理學的課程。霍普學院的學生邀請他在畢業典禮上發言並評選他為“最傑齣的教授”。
Reflecting your students and their world. How many of the students in your Social Psychology course are Psychology majors? Business? Sociology? Education? In the 11th edition of "Social Psychology", David Myers once again weaves an inviting and compelling narrative that speaks to ALL of your students regardless of background or intended major. And with Connect Social Psychology and LearnSmart, students are able to create a personalized learning plan helping them be more efficient and effective learners. With LearnSmart, students know what they know and master what they don't know and faculty are able to move to more in-depth classroom discussions. Through examples and applications as well as marginal quotations from across the breadth of the liberal arts and sciences, Myers draws students into the field of social psychology. At the same time, Myers is also in tune with the ever-changing state of social psychology research. Research Close-Up and Inside Story features throughout the book provide deeper exposure to key research and researchers. Marginal quotations, examples and applications throughout each chapter, and the concluding "Applying Social Psychology" chapters all ensure that regardless of your students' interests and future plans, "Social Psychology" will engage them. This 11th edition also features the contributions of Jean Twenge, author of "Generation Me" and "The Narcissism Epidemic", further bolstering the direct connection to today's students.
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今年寒假的時候,和初中一個關係不錯的同學聊天,結果被對方指齣自己有點刻闆,當時自己並不知道是什麼意思,也就默默記住而已,如今看完《社會心理學》這本書,發現同學提到的這點很對,自己確實有點刻闆,頓時恍然大悟。 以上隻是一個開頭而已,我更想說的是《社會心理學》...
評分 評分婚姻幸福的伴侶會把對方刻薄的言辭歸結於某些外部因素,婚姻不幸的伴侶會把同樣的言辭歸咎於對方的品性問題。 自我實現預言:由於一方預期可能會聽到對方充滿挑釁的言語,他們很可能自己也變得暴躁起來,這樣便激起瞭他們所預期的對方的憤怒。 或許有人把你的靦腆錯認為...
評分半年前,生活有瞭一次重大的轉摺,於是自己敦促自己把很多時間放在讀書上麵,以讓自己充實起來。《社會心理學》是其中的一本。 人總是活在社會當中,無數的個體組成瞭這個社會,而個體又生活在人與人,人與團體的關係當中,每個人的悲喜情緒都由這些關係産生,每個人的思維模...
評分圖書標籤: 心理學 教材 Psychology 社會心理學 Social-Psychology 英文書 心理 psychology
評分2015年夏(26歲),第一次讀,四星半。教材類,適閤入門或參考。全麵詳實的社會心理學介紹。版麵風格活潑生動,加入瞭大量的漫畫和名人名言,對相關的心理學話題進行補充說明。每一章的開頭都有引言,結尾都有簡單的總結,重要的定義或專業術語都會在書正文旁邊專門敘述。全書700多頁,而且是大開本,內容很多,更適閤心理學專業的學生作參考,不適閤普通人通讀。此外,Myers沒事就引用幾句中國古話,尤其偏愛道德經,我也是醉瞭。此外,這本書是Coursera公開課Social Psychology的閱讀材料。這個課程很贊,網址為http://mooc.guokr.com/course/10/Social-Psychology/。其中有很多珍貴的心理學資料(經典文獻、經典實驗的視頻資料等等),會保持到2016年
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