John Cleland (baptised September 24, 1709一January 23, 1789) was an English novelist most famous and infamous as the author of Fanny Hill:or, the Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure. John Cleland was the oldest
son of William Cleland (1673/4一1741) and Lucy Cleland. He was born in Kingston upon Thames in Surrey but grew up in London, where his father was first an officer in the British Army and then a civil servant.
William Cleland was a friend to Alexander Pope, and Lucy Cleland was a friend or acquaintance of both Pope, Viscount Bolin沙roke, Chester-field, and Horace Walpole. The family possessed good finances and moved among the finest literary and artistic circles of London. John Cleland entered Westminster School in 1721, but he left or was expelled in 1723. His departure was not for financial reasons, but whatever misbehavior or allegation had led to his departure is unknown. Historian J. H.Plumb speculates that Cleland's puckish and quarrelsome nature was to blame, but, whatever caused Cleland to leave, he entered the British East India Company after leaving school. He began as a soldier and worked his way up into the civil service of the company and lived in Bombay from 1728 to 1740. He returned to London when recalled by his father,who was dying. Upon William's death, the estate went to Lucy for administration. She, in turn, did not choose to support John (and Cleland's two brothers had finished at Westminster and gone on to support themselves).
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, better known as Fanny Hill, is one of the most notorious texts in English literature. As recently as 1963 an unexpurgated edition was the subject of a trial, yet in the eighteenth century John Cleland's open celebration of sexual enjoyment was a best selling novel.
Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is vividly coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures. The moral outrage that this has always provoked has only recently been countered by serious critical appraisal.
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簡體中文譯本試讀、購買地址 豆瓣閱讀 多看閱讀 我與這本書的緣分,從在英國讀研的時候開始。那時我在寫翻譯研究的論文,看到性彆與翻譯的文叢中提到此書的四個外文譯本...
評分生活猶如一瓶白開水,平淡無味。日子就這麼一天天的過著,沒有任何變化,靜如湖麵。門前的那條路還是那條路,任你走多少遍也不見踏破的痕跡;早上晨練的老人依舊遛著小狗;辦公室裏身影匆匆,沒有人多一句廢話;晚上迴傢的路上,甚至霓虹燈的閃爍都毫無新意…… 這樣的...
評分絕對經典,五星! 相關情節描寫,細膩生動婉轉,勾魂攝魄 “Oh! insupportable delight! Oh! superhuman rapture! what pain could stand before a pleasure so transporting?”
評分《Memoirs of Fanny Hill》,中文名譯為《芬妮希爾》,作者是約翰剋利蘭,陳萱,夏奇譯。內容分為序言,第一封信,第二封信,譯後記(譯者寫)。 我手中這本是江蘇鳳凰文藝齣版社齣版的。不得不提,裝幀設計很有概念性。 查瞭下,書籍設計者是周偉偉。曾設計過《嘔吐袋之歌》《...
評分絕對經典,五星! 相關情節描寫,細膩生動婉轉,勾魂攝魄 “Oh! insupportable delight! Oh! superhuman rapture! what pain could stand before a pleasure so transporting?”
圖書標籤: 小說 英文原版 英語原版 英國文學 情色 英文 英國 文筆細膩
評分三月指標終於在各種亂七八糟的事纏身的情況下完成瞭 這確實不應該是一本大眾書籍 算是小說中porn的鼻祖吧 描寫用詞相當細膩 足見Cleland功力(就是不知道跟Lawrence的查泰來比起來如何) 文山兄說能看懂領悟非母語寫成的色情作品也是一種境界 我也就趁此機會defend下看這部書的動機吧
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