John Perry is an emeritus professor of philosophy at Stanford University and currently teaches at UC Riverside.
He is the co-host of the nationally syndicated public radio program Philosophy Talk, and winner, in 2011, of an Ig Nobel Prize in Literature for the essay “Structured Procrastination.” He lives with his wife in Palo Alto, California.
This is not a book for Bill Gates. Or Hillary Clinton, or Steven Spielberg. Clearly they have no trouble getting stuff done. For the great majority of us, though, what a comfort to discover that we’re not wastrels and slackers, but doers . . . in our own way. It may sound counterintuitive, but according to philosopher John Perry, you can accomplish a lot by putting things off. He calls it “structured procrastination”:
In 1995, while not working on some project I should have been working on, I began to feel rotten about myself. But then I noticed something. On the whole, I had a reputation as a person who got a lot done and made a reasonable contribution. . . . A paradox. Rather than getting to work on my important projects, I began to think about this conundrum. I realized that
I was what I call a structured procrastinator: a person who gets a lot done by not doing other things.
Celebrating a nearly universal character flaw, The Art of Procrastination is a wise, charming, compulsively readable book—really, a tongue-in-cheek argument of ideas. Perry offers ingenious strategies, like the defensive to-do list (“1. Learn Chinese . . .”) and task triage. He discusses the double-edged relationship between the computer and procrastination—on the one hand, it allows the procrastinator to fire off a letter or paper at the last possible minute; on the other, it’s a dangerous time suck (Perry counters this by never surfing until he’s already hungry for lunch). Or what may be procrastination’s greatest gift: the chance to accomplish surprising, wonderful things by not sticking to a rigid schedule. For example, Perry wrote this book by avoiding the work he was supposed to be doing—grading papers and evaluating dissertation ideas. How lucky for us.
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寫在前麵的話 ======= 寫這篇小文的時間,距離我讀這本書已經有不短的時間瞭。當初讀書的時候沒有記筆記,寫作的過程中也沒有迴去參考原書。文中僅僅最後一部分與原書緊密相關,其他部分為自己閱讀“拖延癥”主題圖書的心得。 以上。 人為什麼會拖延? ======= 一件事情會...
評分這本書比較早瞭,後來又在邏輯思維裏聽羅胖推薦過,再後來纔決定看一看。 看之前已經知道大概內容瞭,這個老頭兒的角度還是挺有意思也挺實在的,看看沒有壞處。 老頭兒說“不必追求完美”,隻要“完成”或者“比完美差那麼一點”就可以瞭。個人結閤自己和身邊人的例子,深以...
評分這本小書終於跟大傢見麵啦!在翻譯和齣版的過程中,每次跟編輯MM提起它,我們都會不由自主地微笑起來,在我們心裏,它是個無比可愛的作品。上市這幾天來,看到大傢在微博上熱情的推薦和轉發,也都是帶著笑意,歡樂多多。一本談拖延癥的薄薄小書,為何如此招人愛? 我覺得原因...
評分後天能做的事兒,就彆趕著明天做瞭。真沒想到馬剋·吐溫也能說齣這種話。看來作者的“結構化拖延法”的概括真的是很準確也很具有代錶性。 結構化拖延者有很多共同通病,稍微總結一下有以下幾種: 1. 會自欺欺人,自我安慰。 2. 是完美主義者 有時一件事沒有...
評分有些讀者似乎對本書沒有提供詳細的、係統化的防拖方法相當不滿。不過,所謂係統化方法是什麼呢?是指手把手、按部就班地指導一個人如何做事嗎?事情因人、因時而異,豈有通行天下的指導方法。想要一勞永逸的得到指導,恐怕隻有自賣為奴這一條路瞭。 另一些讀者,似乎得到某種...
圖書標籤: 心理學 procrastination 拖拖拖=。= 拖延心理學 Procrastination 生活 個人管理 思維
評分嗯 似乎並不能幫助脫離procrastination。。。 不過總歸還是寫的蠻好玩的小書 所謂structured procrastination的建議也不妨試試
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