威爾·貢培茲 Will Gompertz,1965年生,一個會說“單口相聲”的藝術評論傢,曾被紐約《創意》雜誌評為世界上最有創意的50位思想傢之一。貢培茲在泰特美術館擔任媒體主管達七年之久,並在BBC的邀請下,擔任新成立的藝術頻道的第一位主編。他二十多年來筆耕不輟 ,為《泰晤士報》和《衛報》撰寫瞭很多藝術評論,並擔任知名藝術批評網站 culturecritic.co.uk 的總編輯,也是英國眾多前沿藝術機構的專業顧問。
What Are You Looking At? by Will Gompertz - a wonderfully lively and accessible history of Modern Art by the BBC Arts Editor. "An essential primer not only for art lovers but for art loathers too". (Express). What is modern art? Why do we either love it or loathe it? And why is it worth so much damn money? Join Will Gompertz on a dazzling tour that will change the way you look at modern art forever. From Monet's water lilies to Van Gogh's sunflowers, from Warhol's soup cans to Hirst's pickled shark, hear the stories behind the masterpieces, meet the artists as they really were, and discover the real point of modern art. You will learn: not all conceptual art is bollocks; Picasso is king (but Cezanne is better); Pollock is no drip; Dali painted with his moustache; a urinal changed the course of art, why your 5-year-old really couldn't do it. Refreshing, irreverent and always straightforward, What Are You Looking At? cuts through the pretentious art speak and asks all the basic questions that you were too afraid to ask. Your next gallery trip is going to be a little less intimidating and a lot more interesting. "Robert Hughes' The Shock of the New redone a la Bill Bryson". (Telegraph). This book is essential reading for sceptics, art lovers, and the millions of us who visit art galleries every year - and are confused. It will also be enjoyed by readers of The Story of Art by E.H. Gombrich and is a perfect primer to the subject for the student or beginner. Will Gompertz is the BBC Arts Editor and probably the world's first art history stand-up comedian. He was a Director at the Tate Gallery for 7 years. He has a particular interest in modern art and has written about the arts for The Times and the Guardian for over 20 years. In 2009, he wrote and performed a sell-out one-man comedy show about modern art at the Edinburgh Festival. He was recently voted one of the world's top 50 creative thinkers by New York's Creativity Magazine.
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1.課外書——一本讓你讀的津津有味的藝術史普及書 如果你和我一樣,對現代藝術甚至是對藝術完全不瞭解,麵對各種藝術展看的稀裏糊塗不明所以,但又好奇想瞭解,那麼你需要瞭解怎樣去理解和解讀一件作品,幫助你體會作品的意義。 這本書能夠做到讓你整體瞭解現代藝術的發展過程...
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圖書標籤: 藝術 藝術史 現代藝術 英國 藝術理論 藝術批評 曆史 藝術
評分Good. Recommended
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