《走下神壇的毛澤東 Mao Zedong:Man,Not God》內容簡介:The title might have been written by Mao himself. Instead, it was dictated by the revealing, intimate, neverbeforepublished recollections of Li Yinqiao, Mao's bodyguard, and brought to light by the author Quan Yanchi.
After fifteen years of devoted service, Li received thisrequest from Mao: "If what happens in my family is a secretto others, it is not a secret to you. But don't write about mewhile I'm still alive; wait until I die, and write truthfully whenyou do." For the first time, the personal, inside story ofChina's dynamic leader and world statesman is told rathelife and thought of Mao, the husband, father, comradeinarms, the peasant's son. The recollections, only now madepublic in English, provide the reader with a refreshinglydifferent perspective from any of the many other worksabout Mao, Highlighting the book are photographs, published here for the first time.
走下神壇的毛澤東 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分政治人物本來就是錯綜復雜的,何況是這樣能夠強烈的影響曆史進程的人物,功過是非誰人能論? 希望對曆史有興趣的朋友能夠進行閱讀,本書相對客觀,而且入手處貼近生活;閱讀過後,相信能夠對持有兩麵史觀的讀者造成相當影響。
評分 評分政治人物本來就是錯綜復雜的,何況是這樣能夠強烈的影響曆史進程的人物,功過是非誰人能論? 希望對曆史有興趣的朋友能夠進行閱讀,本書相對客觀,而且入手處貼近生活;閱讀過後,相信能夠對持有兩麵史觀的讀者造成相當影響。
圖書標籤: 毛澤東 傳記 曆史 人物 真實 政治 李敖 權延赤
評分中文的我讀過 還有部走上神壇的毛澤東
評分他特殊的時候 你也不在他跟前兒
評分他特殊的時候 你也不在他跟前兒
走下神壇的毛澤東 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載