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My Beloved World 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

My Beloved World


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My Beloved World 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

My Beloved World 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

My Beloved World 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

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At first as I saw the number of pages, 500-, I thought this book should have been read within 2 days. But when my estimation was put into actual practice, I found the book is much more intriguing for me to speed up. As this is the first time her name co...  


At first as I saw the number of pages, 500-, I thought this book should have been read within 2 days. But when my estimation was put into actual practice, I found the book is much more intriguing for me to speed up. As this is the first time her name co...  


Picked up this book for some light holiday reading before the CNY. Didn't start until after the festival and then finished it in merely a few days. This woman, the first Hispanic and third female appointed to the U.S. supreme court, is a perfect example of ...


Picked up this book for some light holiday reading before the CNY. Didn't start until after the festival and then finished it in merely a few days. This woman, the first Hispanic and third female appointed to the U.S. supreme court, is a perfect example of ...


Picked up this book for some light holiday reading before the CNY. Didn't start until after the festival and then finished it in merely a few days. This woman, the first Hispanic and third female appointed to the U.S. supreme court, is a perfect example of ...

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作者:Sotomayor, Sonia

图书标签: 传记  女性  美国  SupremeCourt  英文原版  法政书情  2013  美国文学   

My Beloved World 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述

With startling candor and intimacy, Sonia Sotomayor recounts her life from a Bronx housing project to the federal bench, a progress that is testament to her extraordinary determination and the power of believing in oneself. She writes of her precarious childhood and the refuge she took with her passionately spirited paternal grandmother. She describes her resolve as a young girl to become a lawyer, and how she made this dream become reality: valedictorian of her high school class, summa cum laude at Princeton, Yale Law, prosecutor in the Manhattan D.A.'s office, private practice, federal district judge before the age of forty. She writes about her deeply valued mentors, about her failed marriage, about her cherished family of friends. Through her still-astonished eyes, America's infinite possibilities are envisioned anew in this warm and honest book, destined to become a classic of self-discovery and self-invention, alongside Barack Obama's Dreams from My Father.

My Beloved World 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

My Beloved World 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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If there is anything more you can ask in your life, appreciate for everything you have got and look forward to whatever will come along. Life is a one-time ticket. Justice Sotomayor could not be born any more common than any of us, but she has lived her life up to her dream. Edu can change a life, but whether to go for a good education, your call.


作为自传这简直写的太好了 文笔优雅流畅不学究 章节架构自然 瞎bb说她灌鸡汤的要求真是太高 人家就是把人生活得这么鸡汤怎么办呢 何况还要考虑读者需求啊 她用半本书写自己的离婚经历你就爽了吗?用另外半本写自己的表哥吸毒?她也对这些负面事件都做了一章的详细描写了啊 读者一看到一个最高法大法官出自传 就是好奇传奇人物背后的那些一步一步的脚印 她在这一点上做的简直不能更好 人家前序就说了 自传肯定不可避免地比传记要少些客观的 你说你还不爽人家卖鸡汤 讲的都是正面的事 那你看了前序就别看了呀 等出了传记再看她的客观生活啊






读的稍快。很喜欢最后几章。所谓step by step.再者,可以看出来SONIA在耶鲁的时候确实不算出类拔萃。再优秀的人也有优势不在的时候。

My Beloved World 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书





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