Zed A. Shaw is the author of the popular online books Learn Python the Hard Way, Learn Ruby the Hard Way, and Learn C the Hard Way. He is also the creator of several open source software projects like Mongrel, Lamson, Mongrel2, and has been programming and writing for nearly 20 years.
Master Python and become a programmer-even if you never thought you could! This breakthrough book and CD can help practically anyone get started in programming. It's called "The Hard Way," but it's really quite simple. What's "hard" is this: it requires discipline, practice, and persistence. Zed A. Shaw teaches the Python programming language through a series of 52 brilliantly-crafted exercises-all formatted consistently, and most no longer than two pages (including "extra credit"). Just read each exercise, type in its sample code precisely (no copy-and-paste!), and make the programs run. As you read, type, fix your mistakes, and watch the results, you'll learn how software works, how programming works, what good programs look like, and how to read, write, and see code. You'll discover how to spot crucial differences that fundamentally affect program behavior, and you'll learn everything you need to know about Python logic, input/output, variables, and functions. Above all, you'll learn the attention to detail that is indispensable to successful programming (and so much else in life). At first, yes, it can be difficult. But it gets easier. And Shaw offers plenty of extra guidance and insight through 5+ full hours of teaching video on the accompanying CD. As Shaw's thousands of online readers and fans will attest, the moment will come when you just "get it"-and that moment feels great. Nothing important comes without discipline, practice, and persistence. But, with Learn Python the Hard Way, readers who bring those qualities to programming will master it-and they will reap the rewards, both personally and in their careers.
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這是很多人推薦的一本Python新手入門書,所謂“笨辦法”指的是不取巧、不走捷徑,踏踏實實練基本功。所以作者非常強調讀者不要直接拷貝書中的代碼,而是手工把代碼敲到自己的電腦裏去,培養編程思維和手感。 我此前已經讀瞭兩本很好的Python編程入門書:《Python編程 : 從入門...
評分趁著放假,這兩天接連看完瞭Land of Lisp 和這本 Learn Python The Hard Way ,算是完成瞭 Common Lisp 和 Python 的入門。記得上個暑假斷斷續續看瞭三個月都沒看完的 Practical Common Lisp 和 十一假期隻看瞭前幾章、到現在仍不明白的 Real World Haskell ,真的不敢相信...
評分“笨辦法”的後記是這樣寫的。 你已經完成瞭這本書而且打算繼續編程。也許這會成為你的一門職業,也許你隻是作為業餘愛好玩玩。無論如何,你都需要一些建議以保證你在正確的道路上繼續前行,並且讓這項新的愛好為你帶來最大程度的享受。 我從事編程已經太長時間,長到對我來...
圖書標籤: Python 編程 計算機 編程語言 python Programming 入門 英文版
評分看的視頻,感覺太無聊瞭(大多數都比較容易)...而且對於Scientic Python的屎性於事無補
評分花瞭半年算是讀完瞭。學到不少東西。下一步,是玩ScraPy,挖網站信息的;Natural Language Tool Kit是分析文本的;The Django Tutorial是建設網站的。
評分看的視頻,感覺太無聊瞭(大多數都比較容易)...而且對於Scientic Python的屎性於事無補
Learn Python the Hard Way 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載