Zed A. Shaw is the author of the popular online books Learn Python the Hard Way, Learn Ruby the Hard Way, and Learn C the Hard Way. He is also the creator of several open source software projects like Mongrel, Lamson, Mongrel2, and has been programming and writing for nearly 20 years.
Master Python and become a programmer-even if you never thought you could! This breakthrough book and CD can help practically anyone get started in programming. It's called "The Hard Way," but it's really quite simple. What's "hard" is this: it requires discipline, practice, and persistence. Zed A. Shaw teaches the Python programming language through a series of 52 brilliantly-crafted exercises-all formatted consistently, and most no longer than two pages (including "extra credit"). Just read each exercise, type in its sample code precisely (no copy-and-paste!), and make the programs run. As you read, type, fix your mistakes, and watch the results, you'll learn how software works, how programming works, what good programs look like, and how to read, write, and see code. You'll discover how to spot crucial differences that fundamentally affect program behavior, and you'll learn everything you need to know about Python logic, input/output, variables, and functions. Above all, you'll learn the attention to detail that is indispensable to successful programming (and so much else in life). At first, yes, it can be difficult. But it gets easier. And Shaw offers plenty of extra guidance and insight through 5+ full hours of teaching video on the accompanying CD. As Shaw's thousands of online readers and fans will attest, the moment will come when you just "get it"-and that moment feels great. Nothing important comes without discipline, practice, and persistence. But, with Learn Python the Hard Way, readers who bring those qualities to programming will master it-and they will reap the rewards, both personally and in their careers.
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1、總結 評分:★★★★☆ 花瞭大半個月,斷斷續續的把這本書看完瞭。平心而論,這本書還是不錯的,寫法彆具一格,但是Python入門的話僅僅靠這一本書是不夠的,最好能配上搜索引擎和類似於《C++ Primer》那樣字典類的書籍,因為LPTHW很少講解一個具體的函數是什麼樣的,對於...
評分最近在看Redis in Action,裏麵用Python講解。我記得第一次接觸Python還是大二,當時好像隨便翻瞭翻,就沒怎麼發展瞭= =。近來發展瞭想學Flask, Django的興趣,就準備拿本基礎的書熱熱身。 內容很簡單,這本書應該是針對無任何編程經驗的初學者的,看瞭一天,做瞭幾頁筆記,...
評分為什麼讀這本書: 在google reader上看到有人推薦,介紹說是一本入門的python學習書籍。本身是做運維工作,python可以運用在服務器運維方麵,也可以用來寫web應用,所以就想學習學習。 書的大緻內容: 書中的內容以52個exercise構成,按照由易到難、循序漸進的方式,一步一步...
評分還沒有完全看完,但是感覺非常好。 因為有其他語言做底子,學習python,其實最重要的是學習語法的不同。這本書從一個一個小例子入手,逐漸深入,到更復雜的模塊,對於沒有語言基礎的人來說降低瞭難度,對以學習語法區彆為主的過來人來講,卻也絕不是浪費時間。 如果說語法區彆...
圖書標籤: Python 編程 計算機 編程語言 python Programming 入門 英文版
評分覺得Zed Shaw是個很有趣的人~不過作為教程,感覺很一般,條理性一般。
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