Scott Chacon is a Git evangelist and Ruby developer employed at Logical Awesome working on He is the author of the Git Internals Peepcode PDF as well as the maintainer of the Git homepage and the Git Community Book. Scott has presented at RailsConf, RubyConf, Scotland on Rails, Ruby Kaigi, OSCON and a number of local groups and has done corporate training on Git across the country.
Scott Chacon is a cofounder and the CIO of GitHub and is also the maintainer of the Git homepage ( ) . Scott has presented at dozens of conferences around the world on Git, GitHub and the future of work.
Ben Straub is a developer, long time contributor to Libgit2, holder of a Masters degree, international speaker and Git teacher, avid reader, lifelong explorer, and student of the art of making fine software. He lives with his wife and two children in Portland, Oregon.
Pro Git (Second Edition) 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
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評分書名為Pro ,確實是講解瞭Git的高級特性,謂之Pro也值。這本書,看瞭好幾天,今天纔大概的看完瞭,沒有很詳細的看。不過已經開始使用git瞭,而後把她作為資料查閱瞭。 在看書的過程中,整理瞭很多的筆記
評分First, this is a FREE book! The second, it is a good book. I read this book on the web, in 2 weeks. It helps me clear many mysteries about git, plus lots of tips & tricks. I don't want to add more praise, but end with its last statement: "feel more comfo...
評分全書對Git的應用場景,以及典型的模式講得比較透徹。 無論對於初學者還是想進一步瞭解Git工作原理的同學都比較適閤。 初略的看瞭一遍,不但瞭解瞭Git的基本操作,同時也對版本以及分支 的概念有瞭比較深刻的認識。而且從中能夠更深入的理解VCS係統的構造原理。非常贊。 對於書...
圖書標籤: Git 版本控製 計算機 編程 git Programming 軟件工程 英文版
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評分官方免費書,久負盛名,也一直在更新。但是書的敘述結構實在是混亂,不少東西要點著交叉索引前前後後顛來倒去的看纔能看完整。而且作者堅持給瞭命令不解釋,這是什麼套路。用來入門不如看看廖雪峰的教程,用來做參考 Professional Git 比這本強。
Pro Git (Second Edition) 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載