Mark Pilgrim is an accessibility architect in the IBM Emerging Technologies Group. He is the author of several technical books,
including Dive Into Accessibility, a free online tutorial on web accessibility. He lives in North Carolina with his wife and newborn son, and spends his copious free time sunbathing, skydiving, and
reading Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.
Python is a new and innovative scripting language. It is set to replace Perl as the programming language of choice for shell scripters, and for serious application developers who want a feature-rich, yet simple language to deploy their products.
Dive Into Python is a hands-on guide to the Python language. Each chapter starts with a real, complete code sample, proceeds to pick it apart and explain the pieces, and then puts it all back together in a summary at the end.
This is the perfect resource for you if you like to jump into languages fast and get going right away. If youre just starting to learn Python, first pick up a copy of Magnus Lie Hetland's Practical Python.
Dive Into Python 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
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評分在limodou的Blog上看到一個鏈接,即此書最新版在啄木鳥社區的翻譯。不過,在作者的主頁上已經讀瞭原版,語言也很樸實,讀來並不覺得難懂。對於我這英語纔過4級的土人來講,閱讀英文原版書有這樣體驗的不多,Uncle Bob的《Agile Software Development》也是一本。 雖然本書宣稱...
評分I recommend this python tutorial for all of people who has years experience on others programming languages but now want to get touch on python. This book is not a 'from ground up' book, but anyway it gives you the most useful knowledge about python. Also ...
評分在limodou的Blog上看到一個鏈接,即此書最新版在啄木鳥社區的翻譯。不過,在作者的主頁上已經讀瞭原版,語言也很樸實,讀來並不覺得難懂。對於我這英語纔過4級的土人來講,閱讀英文原版書有這樣體驗的不多,Uncle Bob的《Agile Software Development》也是一本。 雖然本書宣稱...
評分網上對於這本書爭議很大,普遍認為不適閤用於入門,I agree。 正則錶達式部分還是非常有用的,不過HTML解析對於無關人員可能不是那麼interesting。 單元測試一部分對於沒有相關知識的人來說,很適閤入門。單元測試在寫代碼之前完成,讓你知道什麼時候結束敲代碼,又能讓你自由...
圖書標籤: Python 編程 programming 計算機 程序設計 入門 程序語言 腳本
評分for python 2
評分深入python編程 每次都是遇到問題纔來翻這本書……
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