柯律格(Craig Clunas)
Art in China 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
中文版除去删除了最后一章部分有争议的现代艺术章节外,在前面各章还有一些小删节,使得有些段落读起来前言不搭后语。 例如“中华民国”这一部分删除了关于陈师曾的部分,只保留了徐悲鸿。不知道译者这样做的原因究竟为何? 另附上被删节的部分节选。 Art in China by Craig Cl...
评分柯律格是一位享有盛名的中国艺术史学者。牛津艺术史里的《中国艺术》一册,就是由他撰写的。 推想牛津艺术史的受众,本来应当是普通外国读者,他们很可能读不到中国学者撰写的中国艺术史,自然也无从比较。相形之下,大陆读者如接触过一两种简明中国艺术史,再与此书对读...
评分观点 郑渝川(书评人) “中国艺术”一词产生的时间并不长,是欧美国家为了区分与所谓“纯粹”艺术而新设的一个词,并且,在西方界定的亚非拉原生文明、文化艺术概念体系中,地位原本并不高。许多以包容性著称的西方博览馆、美术馆,甚至根本就没有来自中国的艺术品,或...
图书标签: 艺术史 艺术 中国艺术史 海外中国研究 Art 中国历史 classic 中国
China can boast a history of art lasting 5,000 years and embracing a huge diversity of images and objects - jade tablets, painted silk handscrolls and fans, ink and lacquer painting, porcelain-ware, sculptures, and calligraphy. They range in scale from the vast `terracotta army' with its 7,000 or so life-size figures, to the exquisitely delicate writing of fourth-century masters such as Wang Xizhin and his teacher, `Lady Wei'. But this rich tradition has not, until now, been fully appreciated in the West where scholars have focused their attention on sculpture, downplaying art more highly prized by the Chinese themselves such as calligraphy. Art in China marks a breakthrough in the study of the subject. Drawing on recent innovative scholarship and on newly-accessible studies in China itself Craig Clunas surveys the full spectrum of the visual arts in China. He ranges from the Neolithic period to the art scene of the 1980s and 1990s, examining art in a variety of contexts as it has been designed for tombs, commissioned by rulers, displayed in temples, created for the men and women of the educated ilite, and bought and sold in the marketplace. Many of the objects illustrated in this book have previously been known only to a few specialists, and will be totally new to a general audience.
评分我的這本附radcliffe college library 藏書票一枚,Date Due上的日期集中于2002年,我猜他是否是Hilles Collection 04年流入中大的復本圖書?
Art in China 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书