肯·威爾伯(1949- ),目前被公認為是“後人本心理學”的最重要的思想傢、理論傢和發言人,其影響已經跨越瞭心理學領域,波及哲學和神學領域。由於肯·威爾伯在意識領域的研究極富基礎性和開創性,他甚至獲得瞭“意識領域的愛因斯坦”的美譽。作為心理學傢。有評論認為他在整閤西方心理學和東方智慧方麵已經超過瞭榮格。
This is the first in a projected set of three volumes charting recent thought in the title's interrelated areas, the title itself being a slight misnomer since sex and ecology are the foci of the forthcoming volumes. Here, however, Wilber elaborates at great length several contemporary systematic theories concerned with the biological, psychological, spiritual and metaphysical aspects of life and the various evolutionary stages of each. He then offers an overview of spiritual practices that can lead to an evolved "omega point" of consciousness. Wilber, a transpersonal psychologist and the author of No Boundary, among other works, has unfortunately tried too hard to cram everything possible into this massive undertaking. The result is that even the hundreds of pages of notes (sometimes useful, sometimes merely repetitive) become a mass of ideas and names. Wilber is a well-read, sophisticated and energetic thinker; yet his style veers from the discursively expansive to the overly condensed. Those seeking A Theory of Everything will be more than satisfied. For others, the book's sheer length and lack of organization may make this a very frustrating read
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評分 評分 評分理論繁復,看完一次不想看第二次。 無法抓住重點核心,什麼都有,什麼都雜。 偏嚮於宗教哲學,忽略瞭科學。 肯威爾伯的書,在我癡迷靈修的時候,我全部買瞭。 但如今,我已經學得七七八八瞭,準備離開這個圈子。 我打這個評分的原因是,他忽略瞭科學,純粹在哲學宗教中繞圈子...
評分我們需要嗬護比我們更大的東西——馬斯洛 不知道“嗬護”的原文是哪個單詞,我更願意用“尊重”這個詞。 這句話齣自人本主義代錶人物馬斯洛, 可見他也有些擔憂“自我實現”的膨脹。 “更大的東西”在肯威爾伯是“全子”,在老子是“道”。 我得承認肯威爾伯的學說強烈地吸引瞭...
圖書標籤: 哲學 靈性 wilber 自然療法·整體健康 transpersonal-psychology psychology integral-theory 心靈
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