Eckhart Tolle , born Ulrich Leonard Tolle, February 16, 1948, is a German-born writer, public speaker, and spiritual teacher. The New York Times has called him "the most popular spiritual author in the nation". He is the author of the bestsellers "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth".
Tolle had an unhappy childhood in Germany and Spain. His depression reached its peak during early adulthood in England, until he underwent what he calls an "inner transformation". He then spent many years as a vagrant, "in a a state of deep bliss", he says, before becoming a spiritual teacher. He eventually moved to North America where he began writing his first book. He currently lives in Vancouver, Canada with his wife, Kim Eng.
Eckhart Tolle's message is simple: living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. And while this message may not seem stunningly original or fresh, Tolle's clear writing, supportive voice and enthusiasm make this an excellent manual for anyone who's ever wondered what exactly "living in the now" means. Foremost, Tolle is a world-class teacher, able to explain complicated concepts in concrete language. More importantly, within a chapter of reading this book, readers are already holding the world in a different container--more conscious of how thoughts and emotions get in the way of their ability to live in genuine peace and happiness.
Tolle packs a lot of information and inspirational ideas into The Power of Now. (Topics include the source of Chi, enlightened relationships, creative use of the mind, impermanence and the cycle of life.) Thankfully, he's added markers that symbolise "break time". This is when readers should close the book and mull over what they just read. As a result, The Power of Now reads like the highly acclaimed A Course in Miracles--a spiritual guidebook that has the potential to inspire just as many study groups and change just as many lives for the better. --Gail Hudson
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評分人們追捧少年天纔、童真美人,贊美年輕有為,歌頌劍走偏鋒,在這個世界你很難不急功近利,這個時代的主流就是,快快快,齣名要趁早,嫁入豪門更要趁早,在事業上齣人頭地更是要早早早。 我們很容易也被陷入瞭這樣的思維模式,快步走還嫌不夠,恨不得跑,跑起來還不夠,恨不...
評分人們追捧少年天纔、童真美人,贊美年輕有為,歌頌劍走偏鋒,在這個世界你很難不急功近利,這個時代的主流就是,快快快,齣名要趁早,嫁入豪門更要趁早,在事業上齣人頭地更是要早早早。 我們很容易也被陷入瞭這樣的思維模式,快步走還嫌不夠,恨不得跑,跑起來還不夠,恨不...
圖書標籤: 靈修 心靈 心理學 英文原版 思維方式 啓發 心理 英文書籍
the best book read recently
評分the best book read recently
評分第一次看這種spiritual guidance的書,今天下午讀瞭後麵一半,豁然開朗。一開始是帶著偏見讀的,犯瞭它後麵提到的錯誤:給東西貼標簽,這也是沒有活在當下的一種。disconnected with mind, ur pain body, full consciousness, meditation, observing。所謂的曆史的車輪也是活在過去的一種。
評分讀的略纍,作者完全沒有什麼邏輯。比不上Peace is Every Step, 更比不上Emotional Balance.
評分Now is presence.
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