约翰·伯格(John Berger),英国艺术史家,小说家,画家。1926年出生于伦敦。1946年从军队退径后进入Central School of Art Chelsea School of Art学习。1948年至1955年以教授绘画为业,曾举办个人画展1952年,他开始为伦敦New Statesman杂志撰稿,并迅速成为英国当代最有影响力的艺术批评家。此后他更有多部艺术专著问世,如《观看之道》、《看》、《另一种讲述的方式》等,他亦写小说,名篇G.(1972)获英国布克奖及詹姆斯·泰特·布莱克纪念奖。
Ways of Seeing 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
不看之道 ——《观看之道》读后感 约翰·伯格有关“看”的观点,陈丹青的书中读过一些,怎样说法,记性差,忘掉了。只是有模糊映像,晓得我每日的看,透过近视镜片,透过相机取景器,透过电视屏幕,原来各有玄机。上回在南京先锋书店看见约翰·伯格的《观看之道》,便...
评分英语里有一句话,“Seeing is believing。”我们生活在充斥着大量视觉信息(包括广告、网络上的各种图片之类)的社会,在看的时候或许从未思考这些视觉对象所含有的信息,而只是将它们当做一种事实片段简单掠过。而在逛博物馆和艺术馆的时候,我们也不乏看见很多走马观花的...
评分三周以前,去人艺看话剧。演出结束后,到大厅旁边的戏剧书店闲逛,无意中发现了这本小册子一样的书,翻了几页,就被深深吸引住了。 这本书英文名称为《Ways of Seeing》,作者John Berger是英国的艺术史家、小说家和画家。书的封底这样介绍:“这本谈论艺术与社会关系的小册子...
评分观看先于言语。似乎是常识,却常常为人所忽视。事实上,新千年以来的迅猛变化,人们被越来越多的影像包围,早已对此毫不陌生习以为常,犹如平静的水面。偶尔,这水面会被投入一颗石子,才泛起一两丝涟漪。 最新的石子是一副画。11月,美国艺术家Robert Ryman的绘画作品《无题...
评分枯燥的閱讀報告。10/2013 【Reading Report: Ways of Seeing】 First made as a four-part TV programme narrated by John Berger himself, Ways of Seeing was published in 1972, and remained a vastly influential work in both fields of cultural studies and visual a...
图书标签: 艺术 艺术史 John_Berger JohnBerger 文化 约翰·伯格 visual-culture art
"Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak.""But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but word can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it. The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled."John Berger's "Ways of Seeing" is one of the most stimulating and the most influential books on art in any language. First published in 1972, it was based on the BBC television series about which the "London Sunday Times" critic commented: "This is an eye-opener in more ways than one: by concentrating on how we look at paintings ...he will almost certainly change the way you look at pictures." By now he has.
评分Seeing comes before words.
Ways of Seeing 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书