V.S. Naipaul undertook this Caribbean journey at the invitation, in 1960, of Dr Eric Williams, the first Prime Minister of independent Trinidad, the author's birthplace. At that time, the plantation colonies of the region were formed, culturally, in the image of the metropolis. Racial and political assertion had yet to catch up with them in varying ways. In Trinidad, African racialism found itself at odds with old colonial mimicry; forty years on, the racial issue will not be between black and white, but between black and Asian. Guyana was Marxist, but with the same racial divisions: forty years on, the country will be so ruined that a newspaper will be regarded almost as a luxury item. In Surinam, a movement was afoot to replace the Dutch language with a pidgin English called talkie-talkie: forty years on, that racial sentiment will have led to military dictatorship and an exodus of the locals to Holland. Whereas Martinique, defying geography, saw itself as France. And, in Jamaica, such rejectionism took the form of Rastafarianism which, absurdly, turns out to have been the invention of Italian black propaganda during the Abyssinian War of the 1930s. The Middle Passage catches this poor topsy-turvy world at a critical moment: a world by turns sad, earnest and hilarious indeed, a perfect subject for the understanding and comedy of this great writer.
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《重訪加勒比》是本差點被我放棄瞭的書,因為它的開篇真的很囉嗦。可是捱過瞭奈保爾在“中途航道”上飄飄搖搖的自說自話,等到他一踏上特立尼達堅實的土地時,那個僅憑遊記就可以享譽無數的小說傢奈保爾,算是迴來瞭。 《重訪加勒比》是奈保爾的第一本遊記,寫在1962年。三...
評分 評分藉來的文化,藉來的生活 顧文豪 1960 年,奈保爾(Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul)得到特立尼達和多巴哥政府提供的奬學金,前往加勒比和舊時的西班牙大陸上的前奴隸殖民地進行為期三個月的遊曆。這時的奈保爾正陷入寫作的瓶頸,依靠在故鄉的記憶創作的《米格爾街》確實為他找...
評分鄉愁,對於你我而言,始終是一個深埋在心靈深處的美麗童話,在迷茫、殘酷世界裏一觸即碎,虛幻、飄渺,如斷瞭綫的風箏,越飛越遠,雖窮盡你我餘生,卻再也無法抓攥… 也許,你我早已“不知不覺把他鄉,當作瞭故鄉,隻是偶爾難過時,不經意遙望遠方…” 也許,你我早已迷失瞭自...
評分鄉愁,對於你我而言,始終是一個深埋在心靈深處的美麗童話,在迷茫、殘酷世界裏一觸即碎,虛幻、飄渺,如斷瞭綫的風箏,越飛越遠,雖窮盡你我餘生,卻再也無法抓攥… 也許,你我早已“不知不覺把他鄉,當作瞭故鄉,隻是偶爾難過時,不經意遙望遠方…” 也許,你我早已迷失瞭自...
圖書標籤: 遊記 鬼知道什麼時候纔會讀到 經典 奈保爾 公共圖書館 V.S.Naipaul
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