朱利安•巴恩斯(1946— ),英国当代著名作家。父母皆为法语教师,哥哥在牛津大学教授哲学,妻子帕特•凯伐纳是著名的文学经纪人。巴恩斯毕业于牛津大学,曾参与《牛津英语辞典》的编纂工作,做过多年的文学编辑和评论家。
The Lemon Table 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这是我读的第三本朱利安.巴恩斯Julian Barnes的书。前两本书,终结的感受、福楼拜的鹦鹉,准确地说,Mr.Barnes赢得了我的尊重。但这本书他赢得了我的心。 如果说云图是文学模仿音乐的某款习作,那么这本柠檬的桌子则是毫无疑问的精品。 这本小说由几个完全没有任何联系的小故事...
评分 评分 评分 评分图书标签: JulianBarnes 英国 小说 英国文学 英文原版 英式风趣 短篇 Barnes
In his widely acclaimed new collection of stories, Julian Barnes addresses what is perhaps the most poignant aspect of the human condition: growing old.
The characters in The Lemon Table are facing the ends of their lives–some with bitter regret, others with resignation, and others still with defiant rage. Their circumstances are just as varied as their responses. In 19th-century Sweden, three brief conversations provide the basis for a lifetime of longing. In today’s England, a retired army major heads into the city for his regimental dinner–and his annual appointment with a professional lady named Babs. Somewhere nearby, a devoted wife calms (or perhaps torments) her ailing husband by reading him recipes.
In stories brimming with life and our desire to hang on to it one way or another, Barnes proves himself by turns wise, funny, clever, and profound–a writer of astonishing powers of empathy and invention.
评分Sentimental Lemon.
评分Julian Barnes58岁时出版的短篇小说集,所收11个短篇虽然故事发生的年代不同、国别不同,既有纯虚构的,也有以Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev 、Jean·Sibelius等历史名人为主角的,却演绎着一个共同的主题:老年和死亡。故事充满了不确定性、荒诞和漂浮感。这种不确定性也许可以解释为生命的无数可能性,即使是面对死亡的必然结局,生命也可以有多种选择。巴恩斯曾说“我相信最好的艺术表现最多的生命真实”,即使面对衰老和死亡只能活得卑微,但把这样的过程通过小说写出来,就赋予了过程以意义和价值。死亡有时是结束,有时也许是新的开始。
评分I’m the adopted daughter of your words. They all harken back to a time where hope was still, in a tragic kind of way, possible.
The Lemon Table 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书