A Long Way Down 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
很难想象四个不同背景和人生经历的人走到一起,他们唯一的共同之处就是厌倦了这该死的生活,想在新年前夜从楼顶上跳下去结束这一切。没有想到的是,自杀之路变成了一条更加漫长的旅程。 表面上,MARTIN是个事业家庭爱情倍受打击不可救药的loser,MAUREEN是个没有工...
评分很难想象四个不同背景和人生经历的人走到一起,他们唯一的共同之处就是厌倦了这该死的生活,想在新年前夜从楼顶上跳下去结束这一切。没有想到的是,自杀之路变成了一条更加漫长的旅程。 表面上,MARTIN是个事业家庭爱情倍受打击不可救药的loser,MAUREEN是个没有工...
评分Nick Hornby最让人感动的作品,虽然里面还是不乏Nick经典的self-obsessed的man-boy,但感觉人物更加丰富厚重了,强烈推荐。
评分这是一个抑郁的季节,空气里都是抑郁的味道。没有人能终生躲过抑郁的困扰——人总有抑郁的时候。但愿这本书能陪伴你度过抑郁的片刻阴霾,看完这本书你会像我一样,觉得偶尔想死也是热爱生活的一种表现,骂人讲脏话有时比满口仁义道德来得真诚,有情有义。 《纽约时报》的评论...
图书标签: NickHornby 英国 小说 Fiction ALongWayDown 英文 外国文学 小说,Hornby,英国,流行文化
In his eagerly awaited fourth novel, "New York Times"-bestselling author Nick Hornby mines the hearts and psyches of four lost souls who connect just when they've reached the end of the line. Meet Martin, JJ, Jess, and Maureen. Four people who come together on New Year's Eve: a former TV talk show host, a musician, a teenage girl, and a mother. Three are British, one is American. They encounter one another on the roof of Topper's House, a London destination famous as the last stop for those ready to end their lives. In four distinct and riveting first-person voices, Nick Hornby tells a story of four individuals confronting the limits of choice, circumstance, and their own mortality. This is a tale of connections made and missed, punishing regrets, and the grace of second chances. Intense, hilarious, provocative, and moving, "A Long Way Down" is a novel about suicide that is, surprisingly, full of life. " What's your jumping-off point? Maureen Why is it the biggest sin of all? All your life you're told that you'll be going to this marvelous place when you pass on. And the one thing you can do to get you there a bit quicker is something that stops you getting there at all. Oh, I can see that it's a kind of queue-jumping. But if someone jumps the queue at the post office, people tut. Or sometimes they say "Excuse me, I was here first." They don't say "You will be consumed by hellfire for all eternity." That would be a bit strong. Martin I'd spent the previous couple of months looking up suicides on the Internet, just out of curiosity. And nearly every single time, the coroner says the same thing: "He took his own life while the balance of his mind was disturbed." And then you read the story about the poor bastard: His wife was sleeping with his best friend, he'd lost his job, his daughter had been killed in a road accident some months before . . . Hello, Mr. Coroner? I'm sorry, but there's no disturbed mental balance here, my friend. I'd say he got it just right. Jess I was at a party downstairs. It was a shit party, full of all these ancient crusties sitting on the floor drinking cider and smoking huge spliffs and listening to weirdo space-out reggae. At midnight, one of them clapped sarcastically, and a couple of others laughed, and that was it-Happy New Year to you, too. You could have turned up to that party as the happiest person in London, and you'd still have wanted to jump off the roof by five past twelve. And I wasn't the happiest person in London anyway. Obviously. JJ New Year's Eve was a night for sentimental losers. It was my own stupid fault. Of course there'd be a low-rent crowd up there. I should have picked a classier date-like March 28, when Virginia Woolf took her walk into the river, or November 25 (Nick Drake). If anybody had been on the roof on either of those nights, the chances are they would have been like-minded souls, rather than hopeless f*ck-ups who had somehow persuaded themselves that the end of a calendar year is in any way significant. "
评分I just love Nick Hornby...what else can i say?
评分Hard is trying to rebuild yourself, piece by piece, with no instruction book, and no clue as to where all the important bits are supposed to go.
评分The cure for unhappiness is happineaa,I don't care what anyone says.
A Long Way Down 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书