Set in the elegant Edwardian world of Cambridge undergraduate life, this story by a master novelist introduces us to Maurice Hall when he is fourteen. We follow him through public school and Cambridge, and on into his father's firm, Hill and Hall, Stock Brokers. In a highly structured society, Maurice is a conventional young man in almost every way, "stepping into the niche that England had prepared for him": except that his is homosexual. Written during 1913 and 1914, immediately after "Howards End," and not published until 1971, " Maurice" was ahead of its time in its theme and in its affirmation that love between men can be happy. "Happiness," Forster wrote, "is its keynote. In "Maurice" I tried to create a character who was completely unlike myself or what I supposed myself to be: someone handsome, healthy, bodily attractive, mentally torpid, not a bad businessman and rather a snob. Into this mixture I dropped an ingredient that puzzles him, wakes him up, torments him and finally saves him."
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脫稿於1914年的《莫瑞斯》,被E·M·福斯特私藏瞭五十多年直到作者本人去世後纔得以齣版,他不指望依靠這本小說來功成名就,就像一場浪漫的亡命之旅,僅獻給艱難與原始的愛。 《莫瑞斯》對於福斯特生前的大部分歲月來說是邪惡的,他竟然耗費一本書的長度去稱頌同性之愛,這不該...
評分這本書的英文版我很長時間以前就已經下載下來,一直在電腦裏麵放著。到瞭Harvard這邊瞭以後,每天除瞭上課以外有很多時間空下來,可以自己安排任何想做的事情。恰好前幾天電腦又壞掉無法立刻得到修理,所以就乾脆藉來瞭這本書,花瞭幾個晚上讀完瞭。 一、關於人物 廢話不多說...
圖書標籤: E.M.Forster maurice 英國 小說 英文原版 英國文學 英文 Forster
評分"Did you ever dream you'd a friend? Someone to last your whole life and you his."
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