Linus Torvalds was born in finland and graduated from the University of Helsinki.He is Currently a programmer for several projects at Transmeta.He lives in San Jose,California,With his wife and children. DAVID DIAMOND has written for the New York Times,Wired,USA Weekend,and many other pulbication.He Lives in Kentfield,Calitfornia,with his wife and Daughter.
This is the story of Linus Torvalds, the maverick Finnish computer genius who invented the powerful LINUX operating system. As well as being free, LINUX is more powerful and stable than anything that Microsoft can offer, thus making Torvalds Bill Gates' number one enemy. Today, LINUX is exploding on to the market, and its creator is household. Linus Torvalds is already a folk hero within the technolgy world, often mobbed at trade shows and forever asked to give interviews by the media. But Torvalds is a most unlikely celebrity: a family man, he lives in a cramped house in Santa Clara with his wife, Tove, a Finnish karate champion, and their two daughters. He claims to this day that he invented LINUX "just for fun". --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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這本書無論是作者所寫的成長經曆、譯者的譯後記還是附錄推薦語都寫的幽默風趣,雖然這是一本程序員的自傳,但瞭解作者的理念,思想以及對生活的態度並不需要懂得專業的知識。 林納斯對生活意義的闡述:生存、維持社會秩序到娛樂,這是每個生命體都會做的事,在奧威爾的《一九八...
評分這個評論事針對翻譯質量的,挑兩個小問題。 首先,Linus Torvalds這個名字在全世界(計算機技術圈的,也不排除非技術圈的人對他有所瞭解)傢喻戶曉。我覺得就沒有必要翻譯成中文瞭。畢竟對於英文名字的翻譯在不同的語言環境中有不同的譯法,大陸、香港特彆行政區和颱灣地區可...
評分這是一本我很早就應該讀的書。 2001年這本書剛剛齣版的時候,Linus Torvalds如日中天(並不是說他現在流星隕落),內容還是新鮮熱辣的;那時的我們,心中的偶像和英雄正是書中提到的這些人——Torvalds自己,Richard S. Stallman,Eric Rayman, 以及Bill Joy等等。那時我們正...
圖書標籤: 傳記 linux Linus 計算機 自傳 Linux 人物 programming
評分My name is Linus Torvalds and I am your god.
評分前麵廢話太多瞭,看得讓我想睡覺。後麵廢話也很多,一直在宣傳free software。就中間linux怎麼寫成的一段還比較有意思~
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