Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov was born on April 23, 1899, in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Nabokov household was trilingual, and as a young man, he studied Slavic and romance languages at Trinity College, Cambridge, taking his honors degree in 1922. For the next eighteen years he lived in Berlin and Paris, writing prolifically in Russian under the pseudonym Sirin and supporting himself through translations, lessons in English and tennis, and by composing the first crossword puzzles in Russian. In 1925 he married Vera Slonim, with whom he had one child, a son, Dmitri. Having already fled Russia and Germany, Nabokov became a refugee once more in 1940, when he was forced to leave France for the United States. There he taught at Wellesley, Harvard, and Cornell. He also gave up writing in Russian and began composing ficticvbn ral books of criticism. Vladimir Nabokov died in Montreux, Switzerland, in 1977.
Pale Fire 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分是你在读一部小说,还是在写一部小说?《微暗的火》抛出这样一个问题,作为读者的我们不得不接过这猛地抛来的橄榄球。 读完之后发现《微暗的火》并非一个不易通读下来的作品,它行文简单,而且在字里行间似乎都给予了读者一定程度的暗示。所以读者很容易就会在一...
评分空——致謝德 我是慘遭殺害的連雀的陰影, 兇手是玻璃窗上那片虛假的碧空。 ——謝德 ——金波特 ——納博科夫 一心想尋找真實,卻始終跳...
图书标签: Nabokov 小说 美国 纳博科夫 英文原版 美国文学 英文 文学
In Pale Fire Nabokov offers a cornucopia of deceptive pleasures: a 999-line poem by the reclusive genius John Shade; an adoring foreword and commentary by Shade's self-styled Boswell, Dr. Charles Kinbote; a darkly comic novel of suspense, literary idolatry and one-upmanship, and political intrigue.
评分读到3/4稍微有点倦了,最后一条注释倒还真的暴击。I was the shadow of the waxwing slain By the false azure in the windowpane. Nabokov的形式玩得还是出神入化了!极喜这个英文的风格,1/3本过去不见他那个动辄五六行从句套从句的句式看着都不习惯了。
评分Yes, Read Nabokov, you have to read the English.
评分Lackluster poem that may have been better executed as a novel...? Yet, simply wondrous lines at intervals!
评分作者透过不靠谱的叙述者编织了三段彼此相连的故事,Zembla的部分充满魔幻色彩,John Shade写诗的过程又跳转到现实,最后用Gradus的刺杀来衔接虚实。看似轻巧的自圆其说,循环往复还不乏嚼劲。时不时玩玩文字游戏,诗句与散文交相辉映。因为留下太多解读太多争议,所以这本也就离巨作不远了。
Pale Fire 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书