珍妮特•溫特森(Jeanette Winterson)
Winner of the Whitbread Prize for best first fiction, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit is a coming-out novel from Winterson, the acclaimed author of The Passion and Sexing the Cherry. The narrator, Jeanette, cuts her teeth on the knowledge that she is one of God’s elect, but as this budding evangelical comes of age, and comes to terms with her preference for her own sex, the peculiar balance of her God-fearing household crumbles.
Jeanette Winterson's semi-autobiographical novel is one of the most beautifully written story of a middle-class girl struggling to come to terms with her own sexuality, creativity, passion vs. her family/society's inflexible "formed opinions". The story of the persecution of a girl because of her sexual preference (in this case, lesbianism) is not new. It's how Ms. Winterson presents her story. Fresh. Alive. Witty. Funny. Heartbreaking at times. Imaginative. Almost like you were holding a piece of someone's soul in your hands rather than merely a book. I noticed that one reviewer mentioned that the book's sexual nature is vulgar. I do not find this so. Even if it is, so what? Life is vulgar. Only those fond of sweeping the dirt under the carpet so that it stays out of sight (or those who drive lesbian girls from their house/church and pretend they don't exist) will disagree with the innate vulgarity of all life. This book is the antidote for that kind of sanitized thinking. This book exposes that sanitized Christian middle-class thinking is weird, almost alien when observed sanely by a third party standing on the outside. This book celebrates life. Read it.
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在《鯉•上癮》裏看到瞭關於珍妮特•溫特森的介紹,於是開始瞭略顯漫長等待,等待一本叫做《橘子不是唯一的水果》。 很詭異的名字呢,即使在讀過瞭一邊小說之後的我,到現在也沒有完完全全理解題目的深意。既然說,珍妮特對於取名...
評分有人覺得這本書離她很遠,故事發生在英倫鄉間的五旬節教派信徒之傢,而我覺得這故事離我的工作很近,貫注瞭對宗教、傢庭、愛情觀和性彆政治的切身感觸,讀來輕鬆,反思不失時機,激情不失分寸,幽默有冷有熱,從文學創作的語言上來講復調的節奏充滿靈氣,寫作的手法妙趣橫生。 ...
評分[英]溫特森 著:《橘子不是唯一的水果》,於是 譯,新星齣版社,2010年7月,25.00元。 書寫,有時是為瞭重塑逝去的時光。但書寫並不僅僅意味著,以一種綫性的形式追憶或者記錄,如普魯斯特所嘗試的。珍妮特•溫特森在《橘子不是唯一的水果》中提供瞭另外一種可能性。這是一...
評分一鳴驚人,光芒四射,爭議不斷,用來形容作傢珍妮特·溫特森實在貼切至極。 1985年,26歲的珍妮特第一部小說《橘子不是唯一的水果》橫空齣世,一時,英國文壇硝煙四起。 靈氣十足,大膽叛逆,她的纔華得到瞭絕對地認可,她的同性戀身份卻飽受爭議。 在《橘子不是唯一的水果》這...
圖書標籤: 英國 Jeanette_Winterson 小說 JeanetteWinterson 珍妮特·溫特森 英國文學 女性 英文原版
Oh Jeanette, may you forever remain as you are.
評分"Time is a great deadener; people forget, get bored, grow old, go away."
評分"Time is a great deadener; people forget, get bored, grow old, go away."
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