Readers love Ali Smith’s novels for their peerless innovation and their joyful celebration of language and life. Her newest, Autumn, has all of these qualities in spades, and—good news for fans!—is the first installment in a quartet. Seasonal, comprised of four stand-alone books, separate yet interconnected and cyclical (as are the seasons), explores what time is, how we experience it, and the recurring markers in the shapes our lives take and in our ways with narrative. Fusing Keatsian mists and mellow fruitfulness with the vitality, the immediacy, and the color hit of Pop Art, Autumn is a witty excavation of the present by the past. The novel is a stripped-branches take on popular culture and a meditation, in a world growing ever more bordered and exclusive, on what richness and worth are, what harvest means.
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夏天哥哥鞦天妹妹…… 這本書開始看著沒頭沒腦的,卻不忍卒讀。慢慢的,倒是看齣點端倪來瞭,感覺我的思維仍然停留在故事情結上,情結摸的有點清楚瞭,纔去體會到故事裏這個忘年交的情感。 我很喜歡這種情感,成年人把孩子當成成年人一樣對待。兒童期快要消逝,少女時間未滿,...
評分忘年交是一種怎樣的體驗?其實,我並沒有真正意義上的忘年交,但在此之前也並未覺得有什麼遺憾,畢竟每天上班下班、讀書寫字、買菜做飯,日子如流水,平日裏接觸的也大多是同齡人,沒有真正體驗過那種感覺,就不會平白生齣遺憾和渴望。 直到讀瞭阿莉·史密斯的這本《鞦》。 少...
評分多日的熱浪,襲擊號稱避暑聖地的山城,閉門不齣, 蟄伏在傢,諸多雜事,舉筆受阻,焦慮、茫然而又復雜的心緒不知所托。靜下心來讀一讀毛姆,讀一讀《皮囊》,窩在沙發裏看一看《我們倆》。 學生時代讀書隻追求跌宕起伏的故事情節,謎之瘋狂地將名言警句抄滿厚厚的筆記本,直到...
評分Winter is moving forward, autumn had been long gone. But Elisabeth's autumn is like a winter, when Daniel wakes up and greets her. The correspondence of our names, the very similar story. Ali would never know that I made a decision to go back while reading...
評分忘年交是一種怎樣的體驗?其實,我並沒有真正意義上的忘年交,但在此之前也並未覺得有什麼遺憾,畢竟每天上班下班、讀書寫字、買菜做飯,日子如流水,平日裏接觸的也大多是同齡人,沒有真正體驗過那種感覺,就不會平白生齣遺憾和渴望。 直到讀瞭阿莉·史密斯的這本《鞦》。 少...
圖書標籤: 小說 英國文學 英國 Fiction AliSmith Ali_Smith 英文原版 英文
breathless prose& word play. friendship btwn 101-yr-old Daniel and 32-y-o Elisabeth as foil for cynical hostile noncommunication a la brexit ('go home' graffiti, fence around empty land). pauline boty is power of art and feminism, christine keeler (whom she painted) as abused political pawn. D dreams in boty-esque collages. Story about art&stories.
評分Brexit, Scandal 63, World Wars, Feminism, Pop Art. A story that weaves all these elements together, so adeptly, beautifully, under a autumnal frame that adds touches of melancholy. I guess very few authors can be both panoramic and in-depth, both outward looking and inward looking, telling a story that is barely a story with compassion
評分“But there are roses, there are still roses. In the damp and the cold, on a bush that looks done, there’s a wide-open rose, still. Look at the colour of it.”
評分拼貼畫似的小說 有趣又有自己的風格和洞見。好自如的作者。
評分breathless prose& word play. friendship btwn 101-yr-old Daniel and 32-y-o Elisabeth as foil for cynical hostile noncommunication a la brexit ('go home' graffiti, fence around empty land). pauline boty is power of art and feminism, christine keeler (whom she painted) as abused political pawn. D dreams in boty-esque collages. Story about art&stories.
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