《簡化字源》主要內容:Since the promulgation of“The Scheme of Simplified Chinese Characters”in l 956.the simplified Chinese characters have been used widely,not only in mainland China.but abroad as well.However.there iS a common misconception about the simplified character.Some people believed that it was merely the result of the reform of the Chinese writing system made during the '50s.
The truth,as the author of this book has discovered in his research.iS that the process of character simplification has been going on since ancient time.Carefully examining eltant relics and other historicaI records,the author has proven that this process of simplifying Chinese characters iS one that has been common practice tor many many generations
We hope the publication of this book wilI help to achieve beEer understanding and wilI result in increased study and application of simplified Chinese characer, and clear up the miscOnceDtiOn of some people as well.
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本書封底印著「clear up the misconception of some people」一句,以示本書宗旨。但兩天下來,通讀本書不難看齣所謂的「clear up」不過是單方麵的說辭,或者說故意引讀者「入甕」。 我認為其中的誤導比比皆是,沒有錄記,僅憑記憶舉例如下: 1.「群眾」一詞在行文中使用頻率...
評分1、不用群眾用什麼,而且簡化字從來都是群眾造的,隸書不是隸人造的麼你 我覺得你不會同意倉頡早字 李斯造字 劉德升造字這種偏頗的說法吧 2、國傢本來就有權這麼做,而且我小學就開始學書法,學瞭五年,也實在覺得日常生活中要是真用繁體太麻煩,現行的雙軌製有什麼不好?保護...
評分本書封底印著「clear up the misconception of some people」一句,以示本書宗旨。但兩天下來,通讀本書不難看齣所謂的「clear up」不過是單方麵的說辭,或者說故意引讀者「入甕」。 我認為其中的誤導比比皆是,沒有錄記,僅憑記憶舉例如下: 1.「群眾」一詞在行文中使用頻率...
評分本書封底印著「clear up the misconception of some people」一句,以示本書宗旨。但兩天下來,通讀本書不難看齣所謂的「clear up」不過是單方麵的說辭,或者說故意引讀者「入甕」。 我認為其中的誤導比比皆是,沒有錄記,僅憑記憶舉例如下: 1.「群眾」一詞在行文中使用頻率...
評分1、不用群眾用什麼,而且簡化字從來都是群眾造的,隸書不是隸人造的麼你 我覺得你不會同意倉頡早字 李斯造字 劉德升造字這種偏頗的說法吧 2、國傢本來就有權這麼做,而且我小學就開始學書法,學瞭五年,也實在覺得日常生活中要是真用繁體太麻煩,現行的雙軌製有什麼不好?保護...
圖書標籤: 文字學 工具書 漢語 簡化字 文字學 簡化字源 工具書 小學
簡化字源 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載