《理想國》主要內容:This new tranlation of one of the great works of Westem political thought is based on the belief that when Plato chose the dialogue form for his writing,he intended these dialogues to sound like converstions-although conversations of a philosophical sort.In addition to avivid,dignified and accurate rendition of Plato's text,the student and general reader will find many aids to comprehension in this volune,an introducction that assesses the cultural background to the Republic,its Place within political philosophy,and its general grgunment succinct notes in the body of the text an analytical sunnary of the works full glossary of proper names a chronolgy of the text an analytical sunnary of the work's content;a full glossary of proper names a chronolgy of important events;and a guede to further reading.The result is an accomplished and accessible edition of this seninal work,suitalbe for philosphers and classicists as well as historians of political thought at all levels.
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【前言】 《理想國》中,蘇格拉底在對理想的政體進行分析和描述後,也清楚地意識到,一個政治性的規劃,最難的部分就是如何將它付諸實施。所以在第八和第九章中,他詳細敘述瞭一個理想政體在實施中會遇到何種睏難,而逐步墮落成為最糟糕政體的過程。此外,由於他認為人類內心...
評分【按語:思想的深刻恢宏之外,《理想國》作為戲劇的優美瑰麗是摘要難以呈現的,這篇對話錄如思想之舞蹈,與《法律篇》的沉滯凝重迥然有彆,後者更勝在對現實的洞察力。個人深為認同A. E. Taylor的解讀,“《理想國》的真正主題不是相互競爭的政治和經濟製度的優劣,而是‘正直...
評分對話的緣起 這一天,蘇格拉底來到瞭一個港口城市,注意,這裏並不是雅典,而是雅典“下麵”的一個城市,叫比雷埃夫思港。也就是說,蘇格拉底不在他的主場作戰。為什麼他去哪裏?因為那裏在過一個節日,並且是當地人第一次過這個節日,於是蘇格拉底就去看熱鬧。他帶瞭一個人,...
圖書標籤: 哲學 柏拉圖 政治哲學 英文 西方正典 柏拉圖政治哲學 思想典籍 Plato
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