With the incomparable vision and breathtaking detail that brought his now-classic Mars trilogy to vivid life, bestselling author KIM STANLEY ROBINSON boldly imagines an alternate history of the last seven hundred years. In his grandest work yet, the acclaimed storyteller constructs a world vastly different from the one we know....
The Years of Rice and Salt
It is the fourteenth century and one of the most apocalyptic events in human history is set to occur–the coming of the Black Death. History teaches us that a third of Europe’s population was destroyed. But what if? What if the plague killed 99 percent of the population instead? How would the world have changed? This is a look at the history that could have been–a history that stretches across centuries, a history that sees dynasties and nations rise and crumble, a history that spans horrible famine and magnificent innovation. These are the years of rice and salt.
This is a universe where the first ship to reach the New World travels across the Pacific Ocean from China and colonization spreads from west to east. This is a universe where the Industrial Revolution is triggered by the world’s greatest scientific minds–in India. This is a universe where Buddhism and Islam are the most influential and practiced religions and Christianity is merely a historical footnote.
Through the eyes of soldiers and kings, explorers and philosophers, slaves and scholars, Robinson renders an immensely rich tapestry. Rewriting history and probing the most profound questions as only he can, Robinson shines his extraordinary light on the place of religion, culture, power, and even love on such an Earth. From the steppes of Asia to the shores of the Western Hemisphere, from the age of Akbar to the present and beyond, here is the stunning story of the creation of a new world.
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“如果14世紀的歐洲被瘟疫毀滅瞭,世界將會怎麼樣?”《米與鹽的年代》封扉上提齣瞭這麼一個問題。 這部作為或然曆史(alternate history)的烏托邦小說,讓正處在黎明到來前的歐洲永久的黑暗下去,並完結全書在平行於現時的年代。就像是龜兔賽跑中那隻中途休息的兔子,隻不過...
評分這本書看完瞭,不得不承認我沒有被這本書吸引,不知道架空曆史小說是不是都這樣?《高堡中的男人》一書我也沒被吸引住。我覺得這樣的書還不如直接看曆史書更精彩。 看架空曆史小說當然想感受一下“如果......,那麼就......”,但是也許外國人過於重視從曆史發展過程中普通民...
評分雜燴,味道不咋樣的雜燴 ,就是各種宗教膚淺的描述和並不生動豐富的想象的曆史;文筆也不怎麼樣,不值一看,完全是浪費時間呀....................................................................................................................................
評分兩個名字以K和B為首的輪迴靈魂的由來原來是齣自古埃及的神話,書中的注釋是這樣的: “卡”和“巴”指古埃及人相信的人的魂魄的兩種形式。“卡”代錶瞭人的生命力,“巴”則為永不腐朽的靈魂。而事實上作者也確實是這麼去塑造K和B這兩種角色的性格的,K總是過於激進一些,而B...
評分這本書看完瞭,不得不承認我沒有被這本書吸引,不知道架空曆史小說是不是都這樣?《高堡中的男人》一書我也沒被吸引住。我覺得這樣的書還不如直接看曆史書更精彩。 看架空曆史小說當然想感受一下“如果......,那麼就......”,但是也許外國人過於重視從曆史發展過程中普通民...
圖書標籤: 外國文學 曆史 英美文學 科幻 小說 英語 中外文學 fung-fung
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