Boris Leonidovich Pasternak was born in Moscow to talented artists: his father a painter and illustrator of Tolstoy's works, his mother a well-known concert pianist. Though his parents were both Jewish, they became Christianized, first as Russian Orthodox and later as Tolstoyan Christians. Pasternak's education began in a German Gymnasium in Moscow and was continued at the University of Moscow. Under the influence of the composer Scriabin, Pasternak took up the study of musical composition for six years from 1904 to 1910. By 1912 he had renounced music as his calling in life and went to the University of Marburg, Germany, to study philosophy. After four months there and a trip to Italy, he returned to Russia and decided to dedicate himself to literature.
Pasternak's first books of verse went unnoticed. With My Sister Life, 1922, and Themes and Variations, 1923, the latter marked by an extreme, though sober style, Pasternak first gained a place as a leading poet among his Russian contemporaries. In 1924 he published Sublime Malady, which portrayed the 1905 revolt as he saw it, and The Childhood of Luvers, a lyrical and psychological depiction of a young girl on the threshold of womanhood. A collection of four short stories was published the following year under the title Aerial Ways. In 1927 Pasternak again returned to the revolution of 1905 as a subject for two long works: "Lieutenant Schmidt", a poem expressing threnodic sorrow for the fate of the Lieutenant, the leader of the mutiny at Sevastopol, and "The Year 1905", a powerful but diffuse poem which concentrates on the events related to the revolution of 1905. Pasternak's reticent autobiography, Safe Conduct, appeared in 1931, and was followed the next year by a collection of lyrics, Second Birth, 1932. In 1935 he published translations of some Georgian poets and subsequently translated the major dramas of Shakespeare, several of the works of Goethe, Schiller, Kleist, and Ben Jonson, and poems by Petöfi, Verlaine, Swinburne, Shelley, and others. In Early Trains, a collection of poems written since 1936, was published in 1943 and enlarged and reissued in 1945 as Wide Spaces of the Earth. In 1957 Doctor Zhivago, Pasternak's only novel - except for the earlier "novel in verse", Spektorsky (1926) - first appeared in an Italian translation and has been acclaimed by some critics as a successful attempt at combining lyrical-descriptive and epic-dramatic styles.
Pasternak lived in Peredelkino, near Moscow, until his death in 1960.
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日瓦戈之死(完整未删版) □任晓雯 一九二九年,夏杪。 日瓦戈赶早,去索尔达金科夫医院报到。电车出了故障,时走时停。雷电撕破闷热,一街尘土落叶,狂旋出风的形状。坐在车窗边的日瓦戈,感觉昏瞀无力。打不开窗,便往后门挤。他在怒骂和踢踹中,“从电车踏板迈到石板路上...
评分Boris Pasternak的巨著跨越了俄国/苏联历史上最动荡的时期,对战争残酷性与毁坏力的刻画细致入微,具有强烈的画面感与真实性。全书语言感伤而优美,尤其是对Urals广袤原野的描写,气势恢宏磅礴,空旷与苍凉力透纸背;而对冬天雪景的描写上,Pasternak又十分面面俱到,历史背景...
评分帕斯捷尔纳克:诗人的证词 帕斯捷尔纳克观察世界的方法决定了他本质上是一个诗人,即便1958年出版后曾掀起轩然大波的小说《日瓦戈医生》也是一部关于革命与诗人命运的小说。在40岁之前完成的自传《安全保护证》中,他这样描述莫斯科的冬天,“街道被黄昏缩短了三分之一...
评分《日瓦戈医生》 世界第一本政治禁书 一部不朽的史诗 一部知识分子的命运史 1958年获诺贝尔文学奖 世界百部经典著作之一 1986年法国《读书》杂志推荐的理想藏书 1955年,帕斯捷尔纳克写成了至今仍能证明他艺术生命力之恒...
图书标签: 诺贝尔文学 英文原版 外国文学 苏俄文学 日瓦戈医生 文学 外国经典 苏俄
This epic tale about the effects of the Russian Revolution and its aftermath on a bourgeois family was not published in the Soviet Union until 1987. One of the results of its publication in the West was Pasternak's complete rejection by Soviet authorities; when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958 he was compelled to decline it. The book quickly became an international best-seller.
Dr. Yury Zhivago, Pasternak's alter ego, is a poet, philosopher, and physician whose life is disrupted by the war and by his love for Lara, the wife of a revolutionary. His artistic nature makes him vulnerable to the brutality and harshness of the Bolsheviks. The poems he writes constitute some of the most beautiful writing featured in the novel.
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