For more than a quarter of a century, Murphy's Law has provided the last word on things going wrong. Positive thinking is all very fine when the world is treating you right, but when things go awry, it's Murphy's Law that comes up with the goods-the pithy revelations and undeniable truths that document our limitless potential for misplaced insight, hopeless wit, and pessimistic wisdom.
This special anniversary collection features the best of Murphy's Law-plus new 21st-century entries proving that with advances in technology, even more can go wrong.
For example:
No matter what goes wrong, there is always somebody who knew it would.
Anything is easier to take apart than to put together.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
The less you do, the less can go wrong.
Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
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為什麼任何事都沒有錶麵看起來那麼簡單?為什麼所有的事都會比你預計的時間長?為什麼會齣錯的事總會齣錯?為什麼如果你擔心某種情況發生,那麼它就更有可能發生? 你一定遇到過齣門沒帶傘就下雨,你剛好沒復習的地方被考到,你排隊那一列總是動的比較快,你換到另一排,你原來...
評分不說什麼,隻MK書中比較經典的話。 被墨菲定律晃瞭眼,一時衝動買瞭,一開始隨便翻翻,覺得不錯;半個多小時翻完瞭,覺得不必要買。墨菲定律就那一句話,整本書就是從各行各業對墨菲定律的延展和解讀。一般人也就對自己熟悉的領域感興趣,讀瞭覺得心有戚戚焉吧。 目錄已經是本...
評分如果把這本書放書店裏,我決計是不會購買的,因為我站在書架旁邊,一兩個小時,就可以把整本書翻一遍,而且保證沒有一點兒遺漏。 現在已經沒有逛書店的習慣瞭,網上點瞭一些鏈接,就購買瞭。 整本書就是一些語錄,俏皮話。揶揄現實的荒謬。 其實把豆瓣上的評論大概看一下,就...
評分是我學識太低?竟覺得都是槽點,像那個值得與不值得的效應,最後不值得作者到底要講什麼。可能整本書作者都在講一件事兒,任何事兒要三思,不要情緒化,不要濛蔽雙眼等等等。。。。 再就是,每個效應用幾則小故事例證,沒什麼意思。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。...
圖書標籤: Murphy'sLaw 心理學 墨菲定律 心理 Murphy's murphy law is
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