亨利‧赫茲利特(Henry Hazlitt)
A million copy seller, Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson is a classic economic primer. But it is also much more, having become a fundamental influence on modern “libertarian” economics of the type espoused by Ron Paul and others.
Considered among the leading economic thinkers of the “Austrian School,” which includes Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich (F.A.) Hayek, and others, Henry Hazlitt (1894-1993), was a libertarian philosopher, an economist, and a journalist. He was the founding vice-president of the Foundation for Economic Education and an early editor of The Freeman magazine, an influential libertarian publication. Hazlitt wrote Economics in One Lesson , his seminal work, in 1946. Concise and instructive, it is also deceptively prescient and far-reaching in its efforts to dissemble economic fallacies that are so prevalent they have almost become a new orthodoxy.
Many current economic commentators across the political spectrum have credited Hazlitt with foreseeing the collapse of the global economy which occurred more than 50 years after the initial publication of Economics in One Lesson . Hazlitt’s focus on non-governmental solutions, strong — and strongly reasoned — anti-deficit position, and general emphasis on free markets, economic liberty of individuals, and the dangers of government intervention make Economics in One Lesson , every bit as relevant and valuable today as it has been since publication.
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評分雙十一、雙十二,不過刷爆你的卡;過節就一會兒沒看手機,錯過幾個億的紅包;但是讀瞭薛兆豐的《經濟學通識》和美國經典教材《一課經濟學》之後纔發現,這都不是事兒啊…… 告訴你幾個錯誤觀念,這麼多年,你有一筆大錢可能是這麼被彆人敗掉的。 1、提高關稅...
評分雙十一、雙十二,不過刷爆你的卡;過節就一會兒沒看手機,錯過幾個億的紅包;但是讀瞭薛兆豐的《經濟學通識》和美國經典教材《一課經濟學》之後纔發現,這都不是事兒啊…… 告訴你幾個錯誤觀念,這麼多年,你有一筆大錢可能是這麼被彆人敗掉的。 1、提高關稅...
評分原文參看 http://mises.org/store/Economics-in-One-Lesson-P33.aspx 有條齣版資訊:這本新的米塞斯研究所版經典著作,已給數百萬讀者上瞭一堂良好的經濟思想課。該書是精裝本,而價格非常低,這得特彆感謝贊助人,現在還有數量摺扣,供您買來送朋友、傢人,以及您碰到的需要...
評分封麵的宣傳語是“如果你隻想看一本經濟學的書,那應該就是這一本!”自己看完這一本之後,覺得如果真的對經濟學一點不瞭解,還真不能隻看這一本;如果真的隻想看一本,恐怕如果選瞭這本未免有失偏頗。 應該說,在眾多經濟類書籍中,本書還是非常齣色的,語言並不深奧,揭示瞭...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 economics 經濟 Hazilitt 英文原版 原版 Economics 精典
A Libertarian take on econ.
評分I am getting more and more cautious on the free market approach, even though I highly doubt the alternative is better.
評分it is really a good book on simple economics.
評分Hazlitt很誠懇,時時不忘提醒自己和讀者:this is an introduction book for general economics. 很多我們(中國人)司空見慣的政府對經濟操控的事實和做法仔細分析看來都是short sighted fallacies.
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