At the center of Hugo's classic novel are three extraordinary characters caught in a web of fatal obsession. The grotesque hunchback Quasimodo, bell-ringer of Notre-Dame, owes his life to the austere archdeacon, Claude Frollo, who in turn is bound by a hopeless passion to the gypsy dancer
Esmeralda. She, meanwhile, is bewitched by a handsome, empty-headed officer, but by an unthinking act of kindness wins Quasimodo's selfless devotion. Behind the central figures moves a pageant of picturesque characters, including the underworld of beggars and petty criminals whose assault on the
cathedral is one of the most spectacular set-pieces of Romantic literature.
Alban Kraisheimer's new translation offers a fresh approach to this monumental work by France's most celebrated Romantic authors.
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《巴黎聖母院》是雨果用心靈創作的,其中飽含瞭他的愛與恨,寄托與希望,傾注瞭他自己深切而真摯的感情。他用自己奇特的想象力勾勒瞭一個個誇張但令人深思的場麵,把美與醜的涵義錶達的動人而悠長。 萬物中的一切並非都是閤乎人情的美,醜就在美的旁邊,畸形靠近著優美,醜怪藏...
評分 評分小的時候,看書主要看故事,看情節,所以,巴黎聖母院這本書我幾乎在半個小時之內就翻看完瞭:很簡單,隻看與情節發展有關的段落,忽略景物描寫/不至關重要的背景介紹/作者的大段的議論和抒情/我不感興趣且與故事關係不大的人物,忽略所有能忽略的,直到隻剩聽故事所必需的...
評分1.愛情是什麼? 是一道神奇的加法:一個思念加上一個思念,就能變成十五的月亮。 是一輪非凡的聽力:即使隔著韆山萬水,也能聽到彼此的激動的心跳。 是一串美妙的語言:可以是柔情似水,如同煙波,也可以風風火火,驚天動地。 是一把牢固的鎖:它把親密戀人如情如語的話,鎖進...
圖書標籤: Hugo 滴水藏海 巴黎香 VictorHugo Story
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