Stephen Crane (November 1, 1871 – June 5, 1900) was an American novelist, poet and journalist. The eighth surviving child of highly devout parents—his father was a Methodist minister and his mother was a member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union—Crane was mostly raised by his older siblings in various parts of New Jersey. After attending several post-secondary institutions, including Claverack College, Lafayette College, and Syracuse University, he left schooling behind and traveled to New York to work as a reporter of slum life.
Crane's first novel was 1893's Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, which he followed with numerous short stories, poems, and accounts of war, all of which earned him praise but did not bring him the great acclaim he received for his 1895 Civil War novel The Red Badge of Courage. Capitalizing on the novel's success, Crane became a highly paid war correspondent, covering conflicts in Greece and Cuba for newspaper tycoons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. During the last year of his life he took refuge in the south of England, where he lived with his common-law wife, Cora Taylor, the former madam of a Jacksonville brothel. Plagued by exhaustion and ill health, Stephen Crane died of tuberculosis in a sanatorium in the Black Forest at the age of twenty-eight. Today he is considered one of the most innovative writers to emerge in the United States during the 1890s and one of the founders of Literary realism.
THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
也许是读得太快的原因,总觉得书中少了点什么,后来一寻思,这少了点的什么恰恰是小说的精髓之处。 《红色的英勇标志》又被译为《红色的英勇勋章》,是19世纪后半期美国著名作家史蒂芬·克莱恩的代表作,被海明威认为是描写南北战争的唯一的一部杰作。小说并没有具体描...
评分文学题材说来说去不过三种,战争爱情与生活。《红色的英勇勋章》无疑是属于战争题材类型,可它的独特之处就在于它其实是反战争的,它处处所表现的出的遗憾让读者感觉到战争是一件多么遗憾的事情,不论是对战争方还是战败方。 小说一开头,就是一群百无聊赖的士兵...
评分除了军服的蓝色外,其实没有细节表现这是美国的南北战争,也许这就是作者的用意,它可以表现为任何一场战争,毕竟内容也没有正义、政治等一切非战争因素,有的只是一个士兵的故事,而这个士兵可以放在任何一次战斗中。从这点看此书还颇为现代。 一个普通的士兵,从军上了战场,...
评分作者翻译得非常优美流畅。信达雅应该说到了雅的层次。 不过这本书不知道是不是有点过誉了。原作者写书时才22岁,阅历有限。天才还差那么一点。而且充满了心理描写,不知道和“等待戈多”是什么感觉。可能是所谓的意识流吧。关于一个青年在战争中的顿悟和成长的心路历程故事...
评分也许是读得太快的原因,总觉得书中少了点什么,后来一寻思,这少了点的什么恰恰是小说的精髓之处。 《红色的英勇标志》又被译为《红色的英勇勋章》,是19世纪后半期美国著名作家史蒂芬·克莱恩的代表作,被海明威认为是描写南北战争的唯一的一部杰作。小说并没有具体描...
图书标签: StephenCrane 小说 文学 美国文学 美国 英文 外国文学 克莱恩
Henry Fleming, a raw Union Army recruit in the American Civil War, is anxious to confirm his patriotism and manhood - to earn his "badge of courage." But, his dreams of heroism and invulnerability are soon shattered when he flees the Confederate enemy during his baptism of fire and then witnesses the horrible death of a friend. Plunged unwillingly into the nightmare of war, Fleming survives by sheer luck and instinct. This edition of Stephen Crane's poignant classic is supplemented by five of his acclaimed short stories as well as selected poetry, offering the full range of this great American author's extraordinary talent.
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评分fear & illusion
评分这是我很小的时候 刚刚到美国来时 读的一本书 当时意识到了面对战争只有少数人才能像抗日片里的人一样无畏吧 人面对死亡时会恐惧 这是本能
评分味同嚼蜡,对于那些刻画/歌颂战争中英雄主义的书或影视剧,我一直无比反感,勇气?忠诚?都是炮灰好吧!死得不明不白!冗长的心理描写看到头昏脑胀,也没特别出彩的地方,通篇的He, he, he... ...我到底为啥想起来看这本书?? Stephen Crane的作品,印象最深的还是《新娘来到黄天镇》
THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书