《感動一個國傢的文字》(英漢典藏版)記錄瞭美利堅民族從誕生到強大的一個小小縮影,從中可以看到國傢誕生的艱難、神聖職責的召喚、自由鬥士的呐喊、精神殿堂的璀璨……這是一個國傢賴以立國的不朽文本,一個民族走嚮輝煌的曆史縮影!美利堅民族的齣現是這個星球上的一個奇跡。數百年前,一群歐洲移民來到廣袤、荒涼的北美大陸,尋求自由與繁榮的夢想;數百年後,他們的民族成為世界最強大的民族之一,他們的國傢成為世界上最強大的國傢之一,他們的文明成為世界上最有影響力的文明之一。愛是永恒 熊熊燃燒的愛情之火,纏綿繾綣的甜言蜜語,引人入勝的精彩傳奇。 純真年代 體味成長的酸甜苦辣,迴憶成長的點點滴滴,記錄成長的精彩瞬間。 凡人睿智 四季流轉變化,悲歡離閤,酸甜苦辣,成就真實的人生。 原味人生 衝淡平和的心境,進退自如的謀略,一捲在手,人生智慧盡在其中。 人與自然 聆聽大自然的聲音,悉心體味人與自然的心靈獨白。 書海拾貝 在暖暖的陽光下,臨窗而坐,讀一篇優美的散文,馨香繞懷,久久不忘。 如果你是一名大、中學生,閱讀《感動一個國傢的文字》可以提高曆史和文學素養,開闊視野,陶冶情操。 如果你是一位英語愛好者,閱讀《感動一個國傢的文字》可以一睹這些傑作的原文風采。 如果你是一位翻譯愛好者,閱讀《感動一個國傢的文字》可以將原文和譯文對比推敲,欣賞佳譯。 如果你是一名文學愛好者,閱讀《感動一個國傢的文字》可以從優美的文字中感受自然,體味人生。
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As the headline of this book, “Words That Moved a Nation”, audiences also can enjoy being moved by these words. To be an anthology, the collection work of this book is quite reasonable; it assembled the most moved parts of the most moved articles from A...
評分As the headline of this book, “Words That Moved a Nation”, audiences also can enjoy being moved by these words. To be an anthology, the collection work of this book is quite reasonable; it assembled the most moved parts of the most moved articles from A...
評分As the headline of this book, “Words That Moved a Nation”, audiences also can enjoy being moved by these words. To be an anthology, the collection work of this book is quite reasonable; it assembled the most moved parts of the most moved articles from A...
評分As the headline of this book, “Words That Moved a Nation”, audiences also can enjoy being moved by these words. To be an anthology, the collection work of this book is quite reasonable; it assembled the most moved parts of the most moved articles from A...
評分As the headline of this book, “Words That Moved a Nation”, audiences also can enjoy being moved by these words. To be an anthology, the collection work of this book is quite reasonable; it assembled the most moved parts of the most moved articles from A...
圖書標籤: 感動一個國傢的文字 英語 英文 曆史 english 美麗英文:感動一個國傢的文字 美麗英文 美國
評分很一般,剛開始看的是英語,後來就直接看中文 。。。
感動一個國傢的文字 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載