傑洛.柯雷斯曼(Jerold J. Kreisman, M. D.),精神科醫師,也是邊緣性人格疾患的專傢,《愛你,想你,恨你》是一書公認是精神醫學領域相關邊緣人格的經典學術之作。郝爾.史卓斯(Hal Straus),醫療保健作傢,作品散見各雜誌專欄。
愛你想你恨你:走進邊緣人格的世界 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Mental illness awareness has been high now.如今精神科疾病得到高度關注。There has been so much progress, but we still have a far way to go.盡管取得巨大進步,但仍有很長的路要走。There's still a stigma surrounding different types of illnesses人們對於不同類型精...
評分Mental illness awareness has been high now.如今精神科疾病得到高度關注。There has been so much progress, but we still have a far way to go.盡管取得巨大進步,但仍有很長的路要走。There's still a stigma surrounding different types of illnesses人們對於不同類型精...
評分Mental illness awareness has been high now.如今精神科疾病得到高度關注。There has been so much progress, but we still have a far way to go.盡管取得巨大進步,但仍有很長的路要走。There's still a stigma surrounding different types of illnesses人們對於不同類型精...
評分Mental illness awareness has been high now.如今精神科疾病得到高度關注。There has been so much progress, but we still have a far way to go.盡管取得巨大進步,但仍有很長的路要走。There's still a stigma surrounding different types of illnesses人們對於不同類型精...
評分Mental illness awareness has been high now.如今精神科疾病得到高度關注。There has been so much progress, but we still have a far way to go.盡管取得巨大進步,但仍有很長的路要走。There's still a stigma surrounding different types of illnesses人們對於不同類型精...
圖書標籤: 心理學 邊緣人格障礙 BPD 人格障礙 邊緣型人格障礙 心理 心理谘詢與治療 愛你想你恨你
評分經診斷還是神經官能癥多點,輕微邊緣性人格,嘖嘖嘖 真是萬幸 還有更
評分I hate you, don't leave me. 形容得很到位,看哭瞭,原來真的有恨。
愛你想你恨你:走進邊緣人格的世界 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載