約瑟夫•艾普斯坦(Joseph Epstein),美國作傢、文化批評傢,西北大學文學教授,《美國學者》雜誌資深編輯。著有:散文集《熟悉的領域——美國生活觀察》、《似是而非的偏見——美國文學隨筆》,短篇小說集《高爾丁的男孩們》、《驚人的小猶太佬》,以及2002《紐約時報書評》年度暢銷圖書《勢利:當代美國上流社會解讀》等。
Alexis de Tocqueville was among the first foreigners to recognize and trumpet the grandness of the American project. His two-volume classic, Democracy in America , published in 1835, not only offered a vivid account of what was then a new nation but famously predicted what that nation would become. His startling prescience, as well as the endurance of his political ideas, has firmly established Tocqueville's place in American history; his chronicle of our infancy is a fixture on every American history syllabus. Nearly all of his clairvoyant predictions about American political life, from the influence of Evangelical Christianity to the advent of our "consumer society," have come true—and on the schedule he set. Yet in his own time, Tocqueville had little evidence for the truth of his ideas. Introspective, sickly, prone to self-doubt, he was an unlikely visionary. Joseph Epstein, America's most versatile essayist, proves an ideal guide to his predecessor. In wry, elegant prose, he engages Tocqueville's intellectual contributions, illuminates the development of his thought, and provides a referendum on his various prophecies. (His record was far from perfect—he thought the federal government would wither away as the states rose in power.) Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy's Guide is an altogether human portrait of the Frenchman who would become an American icon.
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從“身份的平等自由”到“政治的民主” ——讀約瑟夫·艾普斯坦《托剋維爾傳》隨筆 托剋維爾,是法國偉大的政治傢、曆史學傢,跨越時代的民主領路人。作為“最後的貴族”階層,托剋維爾有彆於一般的政客(或政治傢),他的《舊製度與大革命》正是一個既得利益者對社會變革的冷...
評分從“身份的平等自由”到“政治的民主” ——讀約瑟夫·艾普斯坦《托剋維爾傳》隨筆 托剋維爾,是法國偉大的政治傢、曆史學傢,跨越時代的民主領路人。作為“最後的貴族”階層,托剋維爾有彆於一般的政客(或政治傢),他的《舊製度與大革命》正是一個既得利益者對社會變革的冷...
評分從“身份的平等自由”到“政治的民主” ——讀約瑟夫·艾普斯坦《托剋維爾傳》隨筆 托剋維爾,是法國偉大的政治傢、曆史學傢,跨越時代的民主領路人。作為“最後的貴族”階層,托剋維爾有彆於一般的政客(或政治傢),他的《舊製度與大革命》正是一個既得利益者對社會變革的冷...
評分很慶幸能夠在這個年紀讀到《托剋維爾傳》。這真是一本好書。 說實話,在讀這本書之前,我並不知道托剋維爾是誰。請原諒我的無知。但當我讀瞭這本書後,我開始瞭解瞭托剋維爾,他的貢獻,以及他的著名的《論美國民主》和《舊製度與大革命》、《迴憶錄》。他是先驅,政治傢,思...
評分很慶幸能夠在這個年紀讀到《托剋維爾傳》。這真是一本好書。 說實話,在讀這本書之前,我並不知道托剋維爾是誰。請原諒我的無知。但當我讀瞭這本書後,我開始瞭解瞭托剋維爾,他的貢獻,以及他的著名的《論美國民主》和《舊製度與大革命》、《迴憶錄》。他是先驅,政治傢,思...
圖書標籤: 傳記 Epstein 隨筆 托剋維爾 Joseph
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