P. J. 費貝爾曼 固體物理學傢。1967年獲加州大學聖迭戈分校物理博士學位。先後在法國薩剋萊國傢原子核研究中心和美國伊利諾大學厄爾巴那分校做博士後研究。其後有三年時間,在美國紐約州立大學石溪分校任物理學助理教授。1974年後在桑地亞國傢實驗室,成為技術部門的傑齣成員。1989年榮獲美國物理學會為錶麵科學的傑齣研究人員設立的戴維遜-革末爾奬。
Despite your graduate education, brainpower, and technical prowess, your career in scientific research is far from assured. Permanent positions are scarce, science survival is rarely part of formal graduate training, and a good mentor is hard to find. This exceptional volume explains what stands between you and fulfilling long-term research career. Bringing the key survival skills into focus, A Ph.D. Is Not Enough! proposes a rational approach to establishing yourself as a scientist. It offers sound advice of selecting a thesis or postdoctoral adviser, choosing among research jobs in academia, government laboratories, and industry, preparing for an employment interview, and defining a research program. This book will help you make your oral presentations effective, your journal articles compelling, and your grant proposals successful. A Ph.D. Is Not Enough should be required reading for anyone on the threshold of a career in science.
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這是一本教你怎麼在科研職業場上生存的書.我想每個有心於以後做科研的人 都會不可避免的麵臨這個問題.一直在象牙塔裏 我以前很少考慮到做科研的人也要吃飯睡覺 也需要錢 不管是個人生活的 還是科研上的 讀瞭研究生以後 逐漸的明白瞭 也考慮的實際些瞭 這種實際 就不免叫人迷茫 ...
評分我們的教育裏,很少教育大傢提自己。 自己的職業生涯 自己的傢庭 自己的成就感 自己的休閑時間。 想自己的生活,仿佛這是一件很羞恥的事情。 而博士(在大部人人心中的科學傢?),在大部分人心中是不能有我這樣的念頭的。隻能有科研。我實在是懶得論證瞭,你如果看瞭你就...
評分 評分The big help of this book for me is above(refer to the title). I spent a lot of time doing experiment every day. Though I know it's important definitely, I don't know the exact reason. In other words, I don't have a whole picture of view of...
評分這本書是一本比較實際的生存手冊。作者是一位物理學傢,作為mentor,為年輕科學傢傳授science survival skills 。我喜歡這本書的一點是,作者很坦率,他既不浪漫化學術生涯和這份職業,也不掩飾自己過去的掙紮和誤區。他直率的說:“I hadn’t a clue until midway through my ...
圖書標籤: 科研 PHD 學習 人生 academic 科學 Research 教育
評分a thriller
評分This was the first English book that I had finished. Everyone who want to survival in science should read this book.
評分Jun.28 2011 講的非常中肯
評分4.5 2009 summer
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