All students and professors need to write, and many struggle to finish their stalled dissertations, journal articles, book chapters, or grant proposals. Writing is hard work and can be difficult to wedge into a frenetic academic schedule. In this practical, light-hearted, and encouraging book, Paul Silvia explains that writing productively does not require innate skills or special traits but specific tactics and actions. Drawing examples from his own field of psychology, he shows readers how to overcome motivational roadblocks and become prolific without sacrificing evenings, weekends, and vacations. After describing strategies for writing productively, the author gives detailed advice from the trenches on how to write, submit, revise, and resubmit articles, how to improve writing quality, and how to write and publish academic work.
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本書一開始有理有據地批判瞭拖延的藉口,再三告誡隻有有計劃地寫作纔有齣路。同時提供幫助,告訴我們如何轉變: 一、明確目標,並具體化。 不要害怕羅列太多,有計劃地完成任務。(例如每15分鍾寫250字) 二、挑選優先項目。 一般時間緊的先完成。 1.對論文來說:校對復審—截止期...
評分一 How To Write A Lot是一本如何更有效率地進行學術寫作的指導書,語言風趣幽默,一路讀下去,你會不自覺地嘴角上翹。 這本教人如何更好寫作的書,本身就是寫作的典範,簡潔,明快,態度明確,語言生動幽默。 不過這書不是教人如何寫一篇好的文章,有這方麵的需求的人可...
評分 評分 評分圖書標籤: 寫作 學術寫作 writing academic 英文 學術 英文原版 英語
評分一本針對學術寫作的小書,好讀。讀完強烈要做binge writing。我的確存在“i write best when i am inspired to write”的問題。順提下,斯蒂芬金的on writing是我私人更喜歡的關於非學術寫作的書。
評分老爺爺苦口婆心說話很適閤安靜到消沉的假日。enthusiasm is not commitment. writing is mundane
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