D·M·巴斯(David M.Buss):是進化心理學的領軍人物,他所著的這本《進化心理學》權威性和可讀性兼備,已被西方各大學廣泛采用。本書不僅適閤心理學專業的本科生和研究生,也可供認知科學、生物學、人類學、社會學和哲學等領域的研究人員參考使用。
In its first edition, Evolutionary Psychology: The Science of the Mind was the premier and original text for the burgeoning field of evolutionary psychology. David Buss, one of the foremost researchers in the field, has thoroughly revised his already enormously successful text to provide an even more comprehensive overview of this dynamic field. Using cutting-edge research and an engaging writing style, the Second Edition of Evolutionary Psychology ensures that your students will master the material presented. Highlights of the Second Edition: Offers a logical progression of topics by discussing adaptive problems that humans face. Integrates additional material on cognition and language throughout the text. Includes stories, media and cultural examples and illustrations, and applications to the personal lives of students.
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【讀品】羅豫/文 心理學作為一門年輕的學科,至今仍缺乏統一的理論範式。《夢的解析》一版再版,少男少女以做心理測試為樂,“心理”二字也常常被用在商業廣告中增加魅惑氛圍。心理學的淺草還沒不瞭馬蹄,公眾卻已在僞心理學的亂花中迷醉瞭雙眼。 近年來進化心理學的興起,似...
評分看完此書,若有任何不適,請自行觀看美/韓劇、幽默搞笑段子、A片/小黃書/言情書等調節一二… 導讀:為何女性自古就選擇高富帥,自古就注重男性的能力地位?為何男性更看重女性的花容月貌年輕性感?為何男性更容易朝三暮四、拈花惹草,而女性更注重愛情宣言、長相廝守?為何男性...
評分不知為何,看完這本書,內心中有種絕望的感覺。 按書中的說法,人活在世上,經受著那麼多的苦難摺磨,同時也感受著眾多的愛恨情仇,甜蜜歡樂,卻不過是一場關於生存與繁衍的遊戲罷瞭。 我們的思想,行為,情感,不過是漫長的進化強加給我們的一段段程序而已,而我們,隻是執行...
評分圖書標籤: 英文原版 心理學 心理 Psychology 進化心理學 劉未鵬薦 David.M.Buss
The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.
評分The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.
評分The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.
評分The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.
評分The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.
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