About the Author
Jonah Lehrer is editor at large for Seed magazine and the author of Proust Was a Neuroscientist (2007) and How We Decide (February 2009). A graduate of Columbia University and a Rhodes Scholar, Lehrer has worked in the lab of Nobel Prize winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel and has written for the New Yorker, Wired, Boston Globe, Washington Post, and Nature, and writes a highly regarded blog, The Frontal Cortex. Lehrer also commentates for NPR s Radio Lab.
Product Description
The first book to use the unexpected discoveries of neuroscience to help us make the best decisions.
Since Plato, philosophers have described the decision-making process as either rational or emotional: we carefully deliberate, or we blink and go with our gut. But as scientists break open the mind's black box with the latest tools of neuroscience, they re discovering that this is not how the mind works. Our best decisions are a finely tuned blend of both feeling and reason and the precise mix depends on the situation. When buying a house, for example, it s best to let our unconscious mull over the many variables. But when we re picking a stock, intuition often leads us astray. The trick is to determine when to use the different parts of the brain, and to do this, we need to think harder (and smarter) about how we think.
Jonah Lehrer arms us with the tools we need, drawing on cutting-edge research as well as the real-world experiences of a wide range of deciders from airplane pilots and hedge fund investors to serial killers and poker players.
Lehrer shows how people are taking advantage of the new science to make better television shows, win more football games, and improve military intelligence. His goal is to answer two questions that are of interest to just about anyone, from CEOs to firefighters: How does the human mind make decisions? And how can we make those decisions better?
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思維導圖: http://www.douban.com/photos/photo/1495156166/ 下載:http://dl.dbank.com/c0y34uwhza 首先講下這本書的翻譯。這本書的翻譯是由丁丹完成的,我沒有讀過原著,但可以感覺到這種翻譯方式是再創作的翻譯方式,讀起來十分的流暢。 引言&結語 1、 本書的目的在於迴...
評分注:【】部分為筆者心得,非原文摘抄。 * 要想做齣正確的決定,既要利用理智的一麵,又要利用情感的一麵。 * 一個好的決策者知道怎麼使用自己的大腦。 * 【在危急時刻作齣正確的判斷需要在平時進行大量的訓練。】 * 【不要試圖追求絕對理性!】 * 在大腦這個層...
評分首都圖書館要舉辦圖書交換大集,打算把這本書換齣去,於是匆匆在地鐵上看完。 感覺這書還是很不錯的,值得仔細琢磨。 有幾個結論和我生活中的所見所得相關,寫下來大傢分享。 1 如果你傢裏吃飯時每道菜的菜量都特彆大,明顯傢人吃不下的時候,你就要考慮是不是炒菜鍋太大瞭...
評分本書的名字很標題黨,封麵也很誇張,乍看之下以為又是某本東拼西湊的勵誌,決策産物,差點走寶!實則是一本運用神經學的角度解釋人類的一些心理現象,重新審視人類的“理性與感性”這兩大法寶的通俗科普書。 本書既科普瞭神經學的一些常識,而且對啓發個人思考有很大幫助!力薦...
評分圖書標籤: 心理學 思維 判斷與決策 認知科學 決策 心理 Mind decide
評分春節前讀完,屬於普通暢銷科普讀物。Message 也比較簡單:對於簡單決策,不要讓自動齣現的感情影響多巴胺等物質的平衡以及前額葉的正常工作;對於四個變量以上的復雜決策,不妨多給直覺一些發言權,甚至有些情況下可以把決策交給概率。
評分其實這本書的思路和觀點,和思考快與慢中提到的齣奇一緻,然後結閤這個理論就可以證明outliner中專傢培養直覺以及順帶的一萬小時天纔理論,於是這類認知科學的花式組閤又多瞭一個新可能(也就是暢銷書騙錢),當然之後說的 Thinking about thinking,還是值得一看的,總體來說不錯,雖然拼拼湊湊,也算玩齣瞭花樣。
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