Irvin D. Yalom
Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University. Author of nonfiction psychiatry texts, novels, and books of stories. Currently in private practice of psychiatry in Palo Alto and San Francisco, California.
From novelist and master psychotherapist Irvin Yalom, author of Lying on the Couch and When Nietzsche Wept, comes the world's first accurate group-therapy novel, a mesmerizing story of two men's search for meaning.
At one time or another, all of us have wondered what we'd do in the face of death. Suddenly confronted with his own mortality after a routine checkup, distinguished psychotherapist Julius Hertzfeld is forced to reexamine his life and work. Has he really made an enduring difference in the lives of his patients? And what about the patients he's failed? What has happened to them? Now that he is wiser and riper, can he rescue them yet?
Reaching beyond the safety of his thriving San Francisco practice, Julius feels compelled to seek out Philip Slate, whom he treated for sex addiction some twenty-three years earlier. At that time, Philip's only means of connecting to humans was through brief sexual interludes with countless women, and Julius's therapy did not change that. He meets with Philip, who claims to have cured himself -- by reading the pessimistic and misanthropic philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.
Much to Julius's surprise, Philip has become a philosophical counselor and requests that Julius provide him with the supervisory hours he needs to obtain a license to practice. In return, Philip offers to tutor Julius in the work of Schopenhauer. Julius hesitates. How can Philip possibly become a therapist? He is still the same arrogant, uncaring, self-absorbed person he had always been. In fact, in every way he resembles his mentor, Schopenhauer. But eventually they strike a Faustian bargain: Julius agrees to supervise Philip, provided that Philip first joins his therapy group. Julius is hoping that six months with the group will address Philip's misanthropy and that by being part of a circle of fellow patients, he will develop the relationship skills necessary to become a therapist.
Philip enters the group, but he is more interested in educating the members in Schopenhauer's philosophy -- which he claims is all the therapy anyone should need -- than he is in their individual problems. Soon Julius and Philip, using very different therapeutic approaches, are competing for the hearts and minds of the group members.
Is this going to be Julius's swan song -- a splintered group and years of good work down the drain? Or will all the members, including Philip, find a way to rise to the occasion that brings with it the potential for extraordinary change? In The Schopenhauer Cure, Irvin Yalom elegantly weaves the true story of Schopenhauer's psychological life throughout the narrative, knitting together fact and fiction to form a compellingly readable tale.
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評分叔本華如何拯救瞭菲利浦? 叔本華坦言性驅力令人敬畏,是我們內在最基本的力量,是使我們想活下去和繁衍後代的意誌。這個力量不會平息,也無法用理性來壓抑。這一觀點令菲利浦感到有生以來第一次被全然瞭解。 叔本華還指齣我們注定在此生中不斷地轉動意誌之輪:渴望某種東西、...
評分從《直視驕陽》開始接觸亞隆的書,不管是理論還是小說,他的書一直滲透著幾個核心觀點: 1.人人都麵對死亡焦慮,不管承認不承認。降低焦慮的辦法:提升自我價值。自我價值感越強,自我實現越充足,死亡焦慮越低。 2.活在當下。亞隆藉助叔本華的觀點,鼓勵我們...
評分一 新聞報道,伍茲性醜聞事件曝光後,開始接受心理醫師組織的團體治療。所謂團體治療,就是病患在醫師的帶領下,彼此敞開心扉互相鼓勵,以求共度難關。 看起來像是一群loser走投無路下的聚會,你願意加入嗎?如果和去教堂參加團契作個二選一,你會選什麼?我們很健康,不是老...
評分昨天看完瞭《叔本華的治療》,剛剛發現自己對待彆人的態度似乎有所改變。 以前對待某人,我習慣性地忍耐,幾乎對他的一切兼容並包。因為我在意他,總希望自己的所作所為能給他留下好的印象。為此,對待他即使是忽略的態度也照單全收。不善於錶達自己,善於忍耐和等待風雨後的彩...
圖書標籤: 心理學 小說 美國 心理谘詢 IrvinYalom 心理治療 心理 歐文.亞隆
I had never understood how group therapy worked before I read this book. But as a book also about philosophy, the end is too brief and light.
評分nice subway reading (...well, I only read on subways '_>'
評分I had never understood how group therapy worked before I read this book. But as a book also about philosophy, the end is too brief and light.
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