歐文·亞隆,美國知名心理治療大師,目前為美國斯坦福大學醫學院精神病學教授,除撰寫重要之專業教科書,如《團體治療的理論與實踐》(The Theory and Practice of GroupPsychotherapy)、《存在心理治療》(Existential Psychotherapy),與《住院病人之團體治療》(Inpatient GroupPsychotherapy),也擅長寫心理治療故事,包括《愛情劊子手》(Love’s Executionerand Other Tales of Psychotherapy)、《每天更親近》(Every Day Gets a LittleCloser)等,都是膾炙人口的心理治療暢銷書。
魯宓 中國颱灣師大美術係畢業,德州大學奧斯丁分校藝術碩士。譯有《巫士唐望》係列。
From the bestselling author of Love's Executioner and When Nietzsche Wept comes a provocative exploration of the unusual relationships three therapists form with their patients. Seymour is a therapist of the old school who blurs the boundary of sexual propriety with one of his clients. Marshal, who is haunted by his own obsessive-compulsive behaviors, is troubled by the role money plays in his dealings with his patients. Finally, there is Ernest Lash. Driven by his sincere desire to help and his faith in psychoanalysis, he invents a radically new approach to therapy -- a totally open and honest relationship with a patient that threatens to have devastating results. Exposing the many lies that are told on and off the psychoanalyst's couch, Lying on the Couch gives readers a tantalizing, almost illicit, glimpse at what their therapists might really be thinking during their sessions. Fascinating, engrossing and relentlessly intelligent, it ultimately moves readers with a denouement of surprising humanity and redemptive faith.
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評分20191114 兩年後復習下,發現真是溫故知新,很有意思! 1、皮特森12rules裏的3個rules,可以說是分彆照搬瞭霍妮的觀點(P14 如果你想要對自己感到自豪,就【去做能讓你驕傲的事情】)、西摩 特羅特(誠實治療法——tell the truth)以及從“拒絕同儕壓力”(p56)角度分析齣來...
評分 評分還有什麼能比真正活過更重要?!“心理治療就是為瞭讓人能過得更好一點 隻有自己能過的好一點 纔能幫彆人過的更好一點” 《診療椅上的謊言》 目前我所看到的最贊的臨床實戰書籍之一 情節緊湊 跌宕起伏 極富戲劇性 雖然是小說 但絕對夠專業 夠深度 直擊心理治療最核心問題 滲透...
評分我想,在讀這本書之前我是帶著疑惑的。 而這個疑惑就是:當我們麵對診療椅上的謊言時該怎麼辦? 當我閤上這本書的那一刻,忽然想起瞭羅傑斯在《論會心團體》裏的一段話:我相信人們所說的就是他們的實情。如果不是如此,一個人以後可以隨時更正他所說的,而且,多半他也會如此...
圖書標籤: 心理學 小說 Irvin.Yalom 心理學和心理谘詢 Psychotherapy 真我 提升 Yalom
評分One of my favorites
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