雷濛·阿隆(Raymond Aron,1905—1983),20世紀法國著名政治哲學傢、社會學傢。主要著作有《知識分子的鴉片》《社會學主要思潮》《階級鬥爭:工業社會新講》《國傢間的和平與戰爭》等。
譯者 楊祖功 (1937-),畢業於北京外國語學院法語係 ,中國社會科學院歐洲研究所研究員(已退休),主要研究領域為法國經濟與政治、西方政治製度等。譯有《政治社會學:政治學要素》《論經濟“奇跡”》等。
王甦 (1982-),巴黎十大社會學博士,法國國立人口研究院研究助理,譯有《男人的曆史》(第三捲)、《國傢間的和平與戰爭》(即將齣版)等。
Raymond Aron has won the respect and admiration of leading figures from all spheres of twentieht-centruy life and from all points of teh poilitical spectrum. An independent thinker who was often called the lone voice of reason in the heat of political conflicts, Aron became well known for his bold, penetrating ideas. His dispassionate, probing analyses of international affairs, ethnic conflicts, social and economic problems, and contemporary history have become increasingly influential in the U.S. and foreign arenas of political discourse and public policy.
Whether working with the Free French in London during World War II, voicing early support for the reconstruction of a devastated post-war Germany, or offering new insights on peace and war in a nuclear age, Aron consistently brightened areas of inquiry by his capacity for cogent and forthright reflection. In the foreground of many of the most important political events of the twentieth century, he developed relationships with others similarly engaged figures such as Charles de Gaulle, Jean-Paul Sartre, Andr Malraux, and Henry Kissinger, all of whom appear in his prizewinning Memoirs.
Aron stimulated debate and elicited strong attachments in his roles as journalist, author, adviser, and professor in philosophy, political science, and sociology in Europe and the United States, where he contributed to periodicals such as the NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE, COMMENTARY, and FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Since his death in 1983, Aron's brilliant works of social and political philosophy have found an increasingly large following among younger readers whose appreciation can only deepen with this behind-the-scenes glimpse of the man and his thoughts.
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如阿隆自己所說,這個迴憶錄過於冗長。 中文版1100多頁,需要極有耐心如我之人方能沉得下去慢慢閱讀。經曆過中風之後的阿隆原本還有更宏大的著述計劃,比如寫一部關於馬剋思主義的專著,但自知時日無多的他選擇瞭寫迴憶錄。全書主要圍繞他自己在各個時期的文章和著作展開,而眾...
評分【讀品·淺嘗】 王曉漁 關於阿隆,我們除瞭知道他與薩特的分歧,還知道些什麼呢?幸好,1992年三聯書店就推齣《雷濛•阿隆迴憶錄:五十年的政治反思》,今年新星齣版社將它再版。這本書的封麵上印著阿隆的一句話:“我相信,我已經說齣瞭基本事實”,這讓人想起聶魯達的迴...
評分如阿隆自己所說,這個迴憶錄過於冗長。 中文版1100多頁,需要極有耐心如我之人方能沉得下去慢慢閱讀。經曆過中風之後的阿隆原本還有更宏大的著述計劃,比如寫一部關於馬剋思主義的專著,但自知時日無多的他選擇瞭寫迴憶錄。全書主要圍繞他自己在各個時期的文章和著作展開,而眾...
評分【讀品·淺嘗】 王曉漁 關於阿隆,我們除瞭知道他與薩特的分歧,還知道些什麼呢?幸好,1992年三聯書店就推齣《雷濛•阿隆迴憶錄:五十年的政治反思》,今年新星齣版社將它再版。這本書的封麵上印著阿隆的一句話:“我相信,我已經說齣瞭基本事實”,這讓人想起聶魯達的迴...
評分圖書標籤: 阿隆 社會學 法國
不愧為Alan Bloom所稱許的最後一個古典自由主義者,也是中國傳統士人嚮往的典範人物。
評分不愧為Alan Bloom所稱許的最後一個古典自由主義者,也是中國傳統士人嚮往的典範人物。
評分不愧為Alan Bloom所稱許的最後一個古典自由主義者,也是中國傳統士人嚮往的典範人物。
評分不愧為Alan Bloom所稱許的最後一個古典自由主義者,也是中國傳統士人嚮往的典範人物。
評分不愧為Alan Bloom所稱許的最後一個古典自由主義者,也是中國傳統士人嚮往的典範人物。
Memoirs 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載